South East Asia Awards 2021
APAC / South East Asia Business Awards 2021 21 , Apr21556 Most Exclusive Book Publishing Platform - Philippines Nestled in the heart of Quezon City, the team behind CentralBooks are the beating heart of the legal industry. Their work as publishers, printers and distributors has opened the door to numerous resources such as Supreme Courts Report Annotated, Quick Index Digest and other legal textbooks. When matched with their ability to offer Self-Publishing, YearBooks printing, PictureBooks printing, and other commercial printing, it’s little wonder that this firm has become the backbone of the Philippine printing sector. Every part of the business is designed around achieving the best possible result for the client. Through the use of a clever print- on-demand system, combined with state-of-the-art digital printers, it’s easy to see how the team have made a big impact on their customers. Despite the many disparate backgrounds, all are united by being part of a professional and vibrant community. This community is brought together by a desire to see their work published to the highest standards, which is precisely what the team at CentralBooks facilitates. The authors that the CentralBooks team work with are often the best in their field of expertise, ensuring that a CentralBooks’ book is one that is of immeasurable calibre. Readers know that they are getting a resource that offers the best possible materials. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way in which people interact with reading enormously, especially in the education sector. With the firm focused on producing textbooks of the highest quality, the shift of private schools to online working and public schools to module based learning has had a massive impact on their demand for printed books. That said, law schools and review centers have continued operating in much the same way, with the same need for new editions of classic tomes. Responding to these unique challenges has not been easy for any organization, but the team at CentralBooks have been able to turn to their much valued web bookstore to engage with customers around the world. The website has increased its sales rapidly as the pandemic has taken hold, with the team reallocating resources to match the incredible demand that it has been able to generate. The benefits of operating online are numerous, but the clearest is that the team have been able to gain an international audience of customers. Of course, the success of the firm throughout this difficult time would not be possible without the talents of its amazing staff. They are a vital partner when it comes to ensuring that CentralBooks continues to be an incredible success. Over the years, the leadership has ensured that staff are focused on excelling when it comes to both product and service, which was certainly put to the test over the last twelve months. Unsurprisingly, this superb team were not found wanting, offering incredible service that has transformed the company during these difficult times. When looking for a publisher of books, it’s vital to find a team that will always go the extra mile. There is a mark of quality that comes with a Central Book Supply, Inc. product that can be seen even by the most casual of observers. We celebrate their amazing achievements and look forward to what they do in the months and years to come. Company: Central Book Supply, Inc. Name: Jose Paolo M. Sibal Email:
[email protected] Web: The power of the writtenword retains its power anywhere in the world. The teambehind Central Book Supply, Inc. feel passionately about sharing specialist texts from the legal industry with their clients. We take a closer look at how this business has used its focus to achieve such success within APAC Insider’s South East Asia Business Awards.
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