@APACinsider Followers-3,402 @ApacInsider Followers- 337 AI global audience can learn about users’ businesses and their products through the UK-based B2B digital publishing platform AI Global Media. AI Global Media now has 14 distinctive brands, each of which focuses on a particular market. Each brand offers an email newsletter and a well-liked digital magazine that contains the most recent business news. The goal of AI Global Media, a proud CPD member, is to create reliable material. The brand’s awards supplements and all issues of APAC Insider magazine have CPD accreditation. With the assistance of top-notch content, marketing, and other services from a competent team, you can grow your company with AI Global Media. Contact Acquisition International Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters, 1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 1LS Advertising and Sales Enquiries Jen Spencer [email protected] +44 (0) 203 970 0048 Editorial Enquiries Sofi Parry [email protected] +44 (0) 203 970 0018 Award Enquiries Awards Team [email protected] +44(0) 203 970 0029 APAC Insider uses its social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to interact with its followers and build brand recognition. The promotion of articles and news items on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn sites aids in raising contributor and business partner brand recognition. Social Media About AI Global Media APAC Insider Followers- 701