2018 Hong Kong Business Awards Packages
Editor’s Choice: HK$ 37,740/GBP £3,495 (Exclusively for one winner only) • Main front cover image & headline • Four pages of editorial • 3 crystal trophies • Personalised digital logo • 12-month clickable web banner advert on our homepage • Six-page dedicated PDF brochure of your inclusion • Bespoke press release • Full page advert in each issue of APAC 2018 26 APAC / March2017 , 1702AP35 A Dedicated Follower of Fashion PerriCutten, isan iconicfashionhousethathasbeendressingstylishAustralianwomenfor over35years.Thedesignsoffer timelessappeal, incorporatingclassicstyling,magnificent fabricsandsuperbcuts.PerriCuttenfounded thecompany in1981andhavebecomeoneof Australian’smostrespectedfashiondesignersandbusinesswomen. The collection is available inover30 locationsaround Australia, from selectedMyerand David Jones stores, stand-alone storesandonline. PerriCutten’s signature label exemplifies smart, styled andhighquality fashion that continues to reflect the customers’needs.The range hasevolved toofferamodern classic lookwithanelementof contemporarydesignenabling the company toattractnew customersand reflect ‘on trend’ looks.Themissionof the company is toalways listen to the customerabout their ever-changingneedsbutalso to inspire them. Toachieve theoutcome, the companyhasadisciplined businessapproachand committed topresentinghigh qualitygarmentsofferinggood value.Aswellas thequalityof thegarments, customer service ishighlyattuned to theneedsof the customerand isoneof the keyattributesof the company. When startinganewCollection, customers’needs form the foundationof the range,with trend interwoven throughout. Oneof the key factors differentiatingPerriCutten to otherbrands is thatwe source thebest fabricsgloballyandare proudof the fact that75% -80% ofourproduct ismanufactured inAustralia.The companyhasa smallgroupofmakerswhohave beenworkingwith the company formany years.PerriCutten continues tobe recognisedwith theEthicalClothingaward. Fashion inAustralia isbecoming increasinglydifficultwith the influxof Internationalbrands. PerriCutten continues to focus on the company’s core values, and the customerwho is30 yearsorolder.This continues to setus inadifferentage bracket, compared to themany otherbrands thatarenew to the Australianmarket. Theother keypoint is thequality and the time the company takes toproduce theproduct.Weare not ‘fast fashion’, indeedeach garmenthas takenmore than twomonths toproduce.The fit of thegarment is thenumber onepriorityand that focushas continued to setusaside.With anever-increasingAsianmarket and inparticular theChinese customer, the companyhas introduced smaller sizes tomeet theneeds to thisgrowingmarket. In recent years,PerriCuttenhas alsobeenavailableonline.This hasbeenapositiveplatform forour customers to research product theyare searching for,aswellasa valuable tool foroverseasandAustralian customers in ruralareas tomake apurchase. Within thebusiness, there isa unique culture.Peopleare the priorityand the creative team havebeenworking together forup to18 years.Thishas enableda very strongand consistent levelofunderstanding aboutwhatoutcomesare expected.Theoffice is left in an ‘openplan’environment toensure conversationand direct communication isnever compromised. The creative team collate a simpleand veryeffective manualofproduct information to the retail staff.Aswellas this wehave set times throughout a fashion season,where workshopsor conferencesare held to continue togive the staff the tools theyneed toachievea high levelof customer service. Over thenext five years,Perri Cuttenwill continue tobuild on thealready strongbase the brandhas, fine tuningareas of the collection tomeet the ever-changing customerneeds. We continue to raise the levelof brandawarenessand the images thatareused inanyadvertising medium,butensurewhat is portrayed isa true representation of theproductavailable.The focuswillbe to continue to offer timeless, refined luxury, that isgoodquality,good fit,at reasonableprices. Theonlinebusiness isagrowing areabutweare still verymuch focusedonmaintainingand nurturing the customer service aspectof thebusiness.ThePerri Cuttenwebsitehasgivenusa way to tellour story,notonly in wordsbutalso visual. It isalso aneffective tool forPerriCutten to sellproduct to customerswho arenotphysicallyneara store location. ThePerriCuttenbrandwas established to cater for the businesswomenwhowantedwell designed clothing,madewith qualityand tohave consistency. We still keep thisasourprime focusand recognise thatour customers’needs change. Timeand timeagain,people commenton the company for the levelofhappinessand engagementof thepeople employedacross thebusiness. There is verymucha ‘family’ feel about thebusinessanda sense ofhumour isnever too faraway. APAC / March2017 27 K Company:PerriCuttenAustralia Name:PenelopeLoorham -Designer Email :
[email protected] WebAddress:www.perricutten.com.au Telephone :+1800359650 ADedicatedFollowerofFashion g Hong Kong Business Awards 2 0 1 8 winner
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