2018 Hong Kong Business Awards Packages
Tier III: HK$ 16,140/GBP £1,495 (Strictly for 4 winners) • Support front cover image & headline • Two pages of editorial • 2 crystal trophies • Personalised digital logo • 6-month clickable web banner advert on our homepage • Four-page dedicated PDF brochure of your inclusion 24 APAC / March2017 , 1702AP48 The Customer Comes First AngelaOrsaris talksabout themarketresearch industry in theAPACregionandabout the firm’sstrongcustomersatisfactionvalues. Establishedover 25 yearsago,The Market Intelligence Co. isa leaderand trusted specialist in customisedmarket intelligence. The firm’s specialisedexpertise is inbusiness-to-businessand industrialmarkets,aswellas Government. Asaprivatelyownedand independentAustralian company witha solid track record in the industry, the firmdoesnotutilise off-the-shelfproductsor services; allof itsprojectsare customised usinga rangeof solutions to meet clients’specificneeds. Withoffices inAustraliaand NewZealand,andanetworkof preferredpartners inAsia,The Market IntelligenceCo. conducts multi-disciplinedprojectsacross theAPAC region. AngelaOrsarisexplains that the firm’s clientsand itspeople areat the centreofeverything it does,and thata ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach isnotappropriate to meet clients’needs. “TheMarket IntelligenceCo. strives tobecomea trusted partnerof its clientsand to provide themwith themost relevantand impactful insights, ina timelyand costeffective manner”beginsAngela. “To achieve this,TheMarket IntelligenceCo.usesawide rangeof tools tomeetour clients’needs.And itdoesn’t justendwithprojectdelivery. TheMarket IntelligenceCo. thenworkswith clients toget themost fromourwork/the project.Thiswork includesaction plans,developmentofKPIs, benchmarks,helpwith training and staff communications, including conducting roadshows acrossall levelsof clients’staff andpartnerorganisations.” “Whatmakesusdifferent is that our clients truly come first.We recognise thatwearepartners withour clientsandnot just suppliers.This leads toamore genuineandhonest relationship wherewedon’t sugar coat things andwe tell it like it iswhereas othersmight just tell the client what theywant tohear. “Wehavea strong client service ethicanda focusonquality throughout theentireproject process. Wearepassionate aboutachieving thebestpossible results forour clientsand their clients–resultstheycandepend on, results thatdrive their businesses into the future.” Keepingabreastofemerging developmentswithin the industry isamust forabusinessof this type,andAngela tellsus just how the firm,and itsdedicated workforce,ensure they stay aheadof the curve. “We continuallyattend local and internationaleventsand seminars,andnot just those related toourprofession,butalso those thatare complementary toourprofessionand those that arealigned toourmajor client industry sectors,” saysAngela. “We continually learn to stay abreastof the competition; to provide leadingedge services to our clientsand tomaintainour qualifiedpracticesand industry accreditations. “Wealsowork closelywithour partnernetworkand suppliers bothhereandoverseas to share learningsandbenchmarkbest practiceoutputs;andwe fuse technologies/tools tomeetnew challengesand createnew offerings.” With regards to the future, Angela foreseesdevelopments within themarket research industry, including the exponentialgrowthofnew technologiesandplatforms; the industrybecoming increasingly commoditised;andmarket consolidationof the sector. “Advances in technologyand the arrivalofbigdatahave led toa proliferationofnon-traditional competition.Any company can use itsown internal resources togain information,however, it requiresa levelofexpertise to knowwhichareas to focus onandhow toget thebest informationoutof specificmarket segmentsand stakeholders, in the contextof the client’s businessobjectives. “Wewant tohelppeople understand theirbusinessor marketbetter, so they can developandimprove–butthat’s muchmore than justdataor supplyingametricoranumber. It isactually trying tounderstand themotivationsanddrivers behind thosenumbersormetrics so that they canunderstand theirmarkets, their customers andworkwith them toprovide betterproducts/servicesand/or customer serviceand support. “AtTheMarket IntelligenceCo., we stayaheadofemerging technologiesworldwideand invest in furtherdevelopmentand fine-tuning those technologies thatare relevant toour clients, e.g.on- lineportals for real time information,datamining tools, modelling,mobile technology, etc.Thiswill continue tobea focusarea in thenext coupleof years.” Angelaalso shareswithus what she sees forTheMarket IntelligenceCo.within thenext five years. “Wewant tobeanevenbetter versionofour current selves. Wewant to continue tobe the trustedpartnerof leading companies in theAPAC region, in the industry sectors thatwe are familiarwith todayaswell asexpandourexpertise into new industry sectors thathavea logical fitwithour capabilitiesand businessapproach. “We shall continue tobe flexible toadapt to the changing market/industry conditionsand demands.” APAC / March2017 25 K Company:TheMarket IntelligenceCo. Name:AngelaOrsaris Email :
[email protected] WebAddress:www.market-intelligence.com.au Address:LakesBusinessPark,Level1,4ALordStreet, BotanyNSW2019Australia Telephone :+61283368000 TheCustomerComesFirst g “Ourprimaryoperationsat presentare inAustraliaand NewZealandbutwe canand havealsoprovidedour services throughout theAPAC regionand beyond. Aprimaryoperation/ presenceofourown (ora formal arrangementwitha suitable/like- minded company) isnotoutof thequestion forAsiawithin the next five years.” Hong Kong Business Awards 2 0 1 8 winner
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