APAC 2017 Australian Enterprise Awards

, AE170082 Best Children’s Development Service 2017 – Queensland & Award for Excellence for Anxiety & Depression Prevention Services The Pathways to Resilience Trust is a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting children and young families. We invited Dan Pierce to tell us more about the Trust and the crucial services it provides. Established in 2007, Pathways to Resilience, based in Brisbane, supports a wide range of people with varied needs to improve their quality of life. Dan outlines in more detail the work that this dedicated organisation undertakes. “Through social and emotional learning and resilience skills development we aim to prevent anxiety, depression and suicide in children, young people and families. We work across the lifespan, but specifically work to strengthen at-risk groups by introducing a common language of wellbeing in schools and communities. “To support them, we use a strength based community development model to work within communities of low- socioeconomic status; culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; in rural, regional and remote areas, including those affected by drought and natural disasters. We offer a range of evidence-based programs, professional development, webinars, parent and family sessions, personal wellbeing programs and coaching and mentoring for educators and other professionals working within a range of services and companies.” The Trust’s team of educators, trainers and support staff has grown over the past 10 years in response to increasing demand from the school, early childhood and community for social and emotional skills development. As such, they are crucial to ensuring the success of its work, as Dan emphasises in his concluding comments. “As an organisation, our success is owed to passionate and committed staff who work in a non-judgemental and sensitive way with communities. We adopt a culturally safe practice in order to better engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups, as well as culturally and linguistically diverse peoples. A key part of any work we undertake is a consultation with stakeholders followed by a needs analysis. We firmly believe in establishing a clear “buy-in” from our clients before working to build their capacity. We aim to build sustainability of these skills in communities through identifying community ‘champions’ who will build capacity in their peers over time.” Company: Pathways To Resilience Trust Contact: Dan Pierce Contact Email: daniel@ pathwaystoresilience.org Address: 9a/10 Thomas Street, West End, QLD, 4101, Australia Phone: 0061 7 3169 2400 Image: Community Wellbeing Project which Pathways to Resilience delivered across rural and remote South-West Queensland in 2016.

http://homestaynetwork.com.au/ http://pathwaystoresilience.org/ http://sunlightstation.com/ http://www.sunlightstation.com/ http://www.ultratest.com.au/ http://www.weahunter.edu.au/