Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 104 Situated in the state of Queensland, Abundance Financial Services Pty Ltd does what it says on the tin, offering exclusive, bespoke financial services and solutions to its client base across the region. Determined to keep its operation relatively small for the time being so as to afford the highest possible quality of service to all, past clients comprise the bulk of new business also, solidifying the effectiveness of this team in delivering the quality outcomes sought after. Director Angela Del Marco is on hand for more. “Abundance for all, in every aspect of our lives” is the motto of this award-winning organisation, one which specialises in, and possesses a keen focus on, all areas of investment property. With many people unfortunately getting caught in the trap of taking the best loan for them now, rather than thinking about the future, the longer-term view afforded by Abundance helps clients to transcend this, empowering the continuous growth of their asset base. Another instance demonstrating the meticulous care taken is the access clients are provided to an online system that allows them to both invest and spend their money ahead of time in a sort of dry run, instilling a learned ability to invest with confidence further down the line. Since Abundance only takes its clients on based on referrals, it largely dismisses outside influences, and thus requires its team to be at the top of their game all of the time to keep standards incredibly high and solidify the company’s welldeserved reputation and the client portfolio garnered. Luckily, this team are more than happy to comply, and as such, an internal culture has been fostered that revolves around the dominating elements of love and support. Commenting on this, Angela tells us, “I believe that if we cannot love and support our coworkers then we have absolutely no place in attempting to provide a suitable financial outcome for a perfect stranger.” These elements extend beyond just colleagues and also encompass client interactions, with a client’s money being treated as if it were the company’s own. There is an undercurrent of competition that runs through this workplace, with the team striving to streamline their services and fortify the client experience. Angela describes this as, “constantly looking at and improving ourselves each and every day.” The strength of this team was tested at the onset of the pandemic a few short years ago, where all of the company’s workforce went remote, including team meetings and client interactions, but their commitment to retaining excellence allows them to adapt easily and effectively to change. Hiring new employees is a big change for any business to go through, and as Angela explains, “in hiring you can see if someone has pride in their work, their life, their families and their relationships. It’s in the way they hold themselves and the sparkle in their eyes.” Firm in the belief that like-minded people tend to find each other, Angela allows the current team to have influence over which applicants are selected. She elaborates on this process, “we all work together. No-one works for me – we all work for the correct outcome for the customer.” In the constant pursuit of going above and beyond for a customer, Angela recognises the flaws that are apparent across the world’s education systems when it comes to children being educated on financial matters. Commenting on this, she tells us, “we would love to develop a system where kids can learn more about money (as it’s all very virtual now) and invest and see the results.” Since money is now predominantly a virtual entity and not dollars and cents as it was back in the day, to learn the value that it has in our society is crucial for future successes. Signing off, Angela mentions how proud she is of this award, even though it is far from the first that this company has won, stating, “this is very much a team award, including our very important referrers who bring us clients with requirements and financial shortcomings and problems that we need to solve.” Solving said problems is the forte of Angela Del Marco and everybody at this remarkable organisation, and those in the region seeking a personal investment service provider may just have found what they are looking for in the form of Abundance Financial Services Pty Ltd. Contact: Angela Del Marco Company: Abundance Financial Services Pty Ltd Web Address: www. Best Personal Investment Service Provider 2024 - Sydney Jan24532