Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 112 Based in Melbourne, Victoria, Katrina Martlew is a wildlife and nature photographer who has dedicated more than two decades of her life to exploring the globe and sharing her incredible experiences with others through photography. On her website, she offers a range of beautiful fine art prints for people to display in their homes, as well as merchandise like printed blankets that would make a unique gift for any animal lover. Historically, art has played an important role in helping humans to connect with the natural world, from the bizarre drawings of animals created by medieval artists to the detailed illustrations of flowers found in Victorian botanical journals. Today, we have the power of photography to enlighten us to what the world has to offer, transporting us to places we have never been and showing us things that we may have never otherwise seen. Making wildlife accessible and relatable to people around the world, photography is incredibly useful when it comes to conservation, inspiring and motivating us to protect nature and preserve its thriving natural state. Born and raised in Melbourne, Katrina Martlew has been passionate about photography since she was introduced to her first camera at the age of 16. Her career began in the dark room, where she spent her first two years developing black and white images and 35-millimetre film. Now, Katrina has been a wildlife photographer for over two decades, travelling the world to take stunning photos of landscapes, people, animals, and endangered species. She boasts a remarkable portfolio that showcases her dedication to capturing the beauty of wildlife and nature. Katrina’s awe-inspiring images are best printed on a large scale to be displayed in the home. However, she is open to working with clients to create custom prints that fit in perfectly with their home environment, bringing a touch of the natural outdoor world into their living space. Katrina believes that her work plays an important role in documenting the beauty and emotions of animals, preserving them for future generations to see. Even with a wealth of information at our fingertips thanks to the internet, there is still so much for us to learn about nature. Each of Katrina’s photos promotes understanding of the world, telling a story and capturing a moment in time forever. “The more awareness I can raise about keeping mother earth’s enchanting planet thriving in her natural state, the more balanced we will all be,” she explains. “Animals and nature vibrate at a higher frequency and therefore are natural healers. The more we as humans can get outside and play, the faster we will come home to who we truly are.” As a photographer, Katrina stands out for her ability to bring images to life, making viewers feel like they are there in the moment with her. She strives to convey the emotions she felt when she witnessed the animal’s beauty in person, allowing her audience to deeply immerse themselves in nature. Above all, Katrina is proud of her genuine commitment to nature, which shines through in the authenticity of her work. Unlike some others, she does not believe in intentionally disrupting nature to capture an image. She only travels with guides who demonstrate a high level of integrity and respect for wildlife. “I will sit patiently for days to capture an organic moment,” Katrina explains. “I am in their territory.” As a result of her amazing work, Katrina has been awarded the title of Best Wildlife Photographer in the Australian Enterprise Awards 2024. Always up for a challenge, she sees every day as a lesson and views travel as the best education anyone can gain. In the coming years, Katrina plans to embark on even more adventures. Despite having travelled to over 85 countries, she believes that there is still a lot more of the world and wildlife to see. She adds, “I would love my own TV show exploring the world and bringing my adventures to life. There are not really any female solo wildlife explorers who have a show and I think this would be a great idea to inspire people to get outside and explore the planet.” Contact: Katrina Martlew Company: Katrina Martlew Photography Web Address: Best Wildlife Photographer (2024): Katrina Martlew Jan24238