Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 113 As the manufacturer, importer, exporter, and distributor of Australia’s biggest range of organic and health beneficial spelt products, vegan food innovator Classica International’s exemplary food and drink range is predominantly alkaline, boosting one’s immune system while still tasting great. This sustainable food wholesaler is being celebrated here for its Classica Sugar-Free Vegan Drinking Chocolate, which, along with its golden chai and hazelnut spread, has no added sugar or synthetic sweeteners, making it the ideal drinking chocolate for those seeking a diabetic-friendly alternative. Founder Alfred Abbatangelo is on hand to tell us more about his company. Servicing the likes of delis, wholefood health stores, hospitals, nurseries, school canteens, bakeries, restaurants, and cafés, the team at Classica International seek to not only nourish their customers, but also educate them about the endless benefits that stem as a result of healthy eating. Across its product range, the uppermost care has been taken to make sure that each ingredient is used in the way that nature intended, contributing immeasurably to overall health and an end product that always tastes fantastic. Differentiated in a crowded market by its unwavering focus on products that are organic, vegan, and sugar-free, Classica International exceeds the demands of those who are health conscious and environmentally aware, leveraging such innate traits as quality, sustainability, innovation, and an ethical business practice to continue to solidify its success in this space. With these values serving as the business’ foundation, Alfred and his team have built a strong brand identity with a loyal customer base, all while embodying an environmental commitment and promoting better health for all. As a business of selfprofessed food innovators, this team are constantly expanding the company’s product line with fresh and innovative new offerings that will appeal to its ever-expanding audience, making sure that customers are spoilt for choice. Not only are rigorous quality control measures in place to assure that the organic standards the company aims to achieve are met throughout, but transparency is favoured across the board, apparent in Classica International’s openness regarding both its ingredients and manufacturing processes. Advice from just broadening its product horizons, Classica International has extended its commitment to healthy consumption in other ways. Most notably, it has invested in a food truck that graces farmer’s markets in the Melbourne area every weekend, educating those in attendance about the benefits to health that stem from choosing its drinking chocolate, adhering to a vegan diet, and avoiding added sugars in foodstuffs. Alfred explains, “this not only helps in building a knowledgeable consumer base but also fosters a sense of connection between our brand and the customer.” Explicitly outlining the potential health risks faced from consuming unhealthy food and drink is a huge part of the company’s mission, with Alfred determined to help to reduce the devastating impact that diabetes in particular is having on the Australian population. He tells us, “diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges currently confronting Australia. A lot more needs to be done towards [attaining the] reduction of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners”, and Alfred remains tireless in his commitment to achieving this. As Classica International looks towards the future, it plans to continue to expand its product line in accordance with this drive to an ethical business practice and improving the health of its customers, beginning with the upcoming launch of a new alternative to refined sugar, something Alfred refers to as, “the perfect and safest alternative sweetener for diabetics or anyone who doesn’t want sugar in their diet.” This superfood sweetener syrup has an array of benefits, as it will not cause a spike in blood sugar, it helps to maintain healthy bacteria in the gut, improves digestion/nutrient absorption, and best of all, can replace the sugar in anything! At a time when sustainability is becoming an increasingly desirable trait for customers when it comes to the products they buy, and vegan/plant-based diets are commonplace in a way that was thought unimaginable just a few decades ago, Classica International is leading the charge as a beacon of excellence, aided immensely by a team of passionate individuals who all wholeheartedly believe in the company’s mission, and stay abreast of all industry developments so as to better understand consumer preferences and create the best experiences for customers. In closing, Alfred succinctly pinpoints what he believes to be the essence of his company, stating, “Classica International aims to achieve customer satisfaction, build brand loyalty, and establish itself as a trusted and preferred choice among consumers seeking organic, vegan, and sugar-free products.” Contact: Alfred Abbatangelo Company: Classica International Web Address: APAC Insider Excellence Award for Diabetic-Friendly Vegan Drinking Chocolate 2024 Jan24143