Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 118 Queensland is home to Get After It Australia, a surf wear company that appeals greatly to those who possess a relentless passion for adventure and the outdoors, as well as the freedom that stems as a result. Specialising in high-quality apparel for those who favour surfing, skating, and fishing gear particularly, this brand, which was established just as the world was opening up again following the pandemic, stands as more than just a clothing range, serving rather as a lifestyle choice and a marker of daring and exploration. We speak with Luke and Sonia Mobbs in order to find out more. Driven by the core values of freedom, adventure, resilience, quality, community, and inspiration, Get After It strives to build an ever-expanding circle of like-minded people who inspire and encourage each other to try new things and escape their comfort zones, bolstered by a true belief that they have the ability and the means to do whatever they choose. Leveraging these values for the greater good of the business, a brand identity has been created that exceeds mere transactions, and instead builds customer loyalty, enhances the brand identity, and ultimately positions the company as a leader in Australia’s surf wear and outdoor apparel space. Distinguishing Get After It in this space is the aforementioned commitment to going above and beyond the fabric of the clothing to serve as a “call to arms for a life filled with excitement, exploration, and the thrill of the unknown”, as Luke and Sonia explain. Beyond this, and the accompanying emphasis on the lifestyle that comes as standard, the brand is further defined by its quality and durability, with every product embodying the reliability and robustness necessary to thrive in one’s action-packed existence. There is also a particular emphasis placed on active engagement, whereby real stories are shared across social media of customers who live by the brand’s ethos and sport its products out and about. Commenting further on this, Luke and Sonia explain, “in essence, Get After It Australia strives to be more than a clothing brand; it aims to be a catalyst for change in people’s lives, encouraging them to embrace the beauty and thrill of the natural world.” On the back of this commitment to the natural world, the brand prioritises the use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable manufacturing processes across its range. Going hand in hand with this is an interest in technological innovation, with such advancements resulting in materials that are more lightweight, durable, and versatile than ever before, benefiting both customers and the planet alike. Thus, from product development through to the way that it engages with its online community, Get After It’s commitment to excellence and becoming one of the country’s largest surf brands, in terms of influence as well as scale, is apparent and shines through across its operation, with a new gold standard being set in the realms of quality, innovation, and sustainability. This drive is something that remains steadfast as the brand continues to chart its course for the future, employing a series of strategic initiatives and pioneering new developments that will further the company mission and enhance its offerings. All of this is being made possible by the team moving to a larger warehouse, affording them ample space to house their growing product range and further streamline shipping and inventory processes. From here, plans are in place to continue to foster close partnerships with leading organisations that share aligning values, spurring further innovation in the spheres of material and product design. Luke and Sonia explain, “our collaboration with talented designers and robust support networks has been a cornerstone of our success. In 2024, we plan to deepen these relationships, fostering a creative and supportive environment that encourages innovation and excellence.” Other future plans revolve around hosting events, sponsoring both adventurers and athletes, as well as leveraging social media so as to continue to share these inspirational stories of exploration and discovery that reinforce the brand’s legacy as much more than a simple clothing provider. As Luke and Sonia eloquently put it, “[we are] not just growing; we’re evolving to meet the future head-on, with an unwavering commitment to our core values of adventure, quality, sustainability, and community.” In closing, Get After It Australia is a brand that inspires, engages, and resonates with its loyal, dedicated customer base, and invites those who share its values to join it on an exciting journey to becoming one of the country’s pioneering forces in the realm of surf clothing. Contact: Luke and Sonia Mobbs Company: Get After It Australia Web Address: www. Best Surfwear Clothing Brand 2024 Feb24662