Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 121 Feb24510 Raising the bar to exceptional heights in cosmetic treatments and clinical standards is award-winning BLC Aesthetics, founded and owned by Registered Nurse and industry expert, Bianca Lorena Saldes. Having created the new elite benchmark for cosmetic professionals, Bianca and her team provide highly sought-after, outstanding non-invasive treatments in the form of antiwrinkle, lip fillers, fat dissolving, long lifting threads, facials, and more – all while using Bianca’s own superior product range, which took two years to perfect. That isn’t all, for BLC Aesthetics is an accredited training academy, too, offering masterclasses to cosmetic practitioners looking to enhance their skills. We learn more about what makes this aesthetics clinic the definition of gold standard. Originally from the UK, Bianca Lorena Saldes has resided in Melbourne since 2015, but she has also lived and worked in America, Nepal, and China, having gained rich experience of different countries and cultures that has inspired her through her career. She previously worked at a respite camp in Texas and then taught English in Beijing City, but she soon found her interest lay in nursing. Bianca entered the dynamic, stimulating environment of an Acquired Brain Injury unit, caring for patients in recovery and supporting their families. When she moved to Australia, Bianca found a desire to work in aesthetic nursing, fascinated by the anatomy of the face and how achievable and affordable it could be to make patients’ dream facial appearances a reality through non-invasive treatments. During this time, Bianca benefited hugely from the mentorship of Dr Shams Shamid, gaining confidence and techniques that she still uses to this day. She now considers him a close friend and they continue to work together. Furthermore, Bianca is an advocate for passing her learnings on to boost those of fellow practitioners and optimise the standard of treatments across the industry. She often speaks at conferences, but also delivers her own hands-on, high-end training sessions to small groups looking to learn new signature techniques, whether lip fillers, electric dissolving, facial harmonisation, emergency management, and more. She even goes so far as to offer mentoring days where individuals can shadow her as she fulfils her patient appointments. However, Bianca knows there is always something new to learn, so remains dedicated to her own regular training, flying state-wide, whether Melbourne, Gold Coast, or Perth every two months to elevate her skills and knowledge and remain up to date in the latest within the industry. This allows her to ensure she is providing only the very best for her clients. “All cosmetic procedures come with risks and all patients should undergo a thorough consultation beforehand by a registered professional.” Although a firm believer that beauty starts from within, Bianca’s passion lies in making people feel good about themselves. With core values of “treat progressively not aggressively”, “high clinical”, “patient safety standards”, and “high standards of training”, she and her team strive to bring out the full potential of patients’ own features, while ensuring treatment is performed carefully and subtly to create a natural look. One such treatment – one of Bianca’s personal favourites – is for those patients who need more structural support around the mid and lower face. Jowl dermal filler is used on the cheeks and nasolabial folds, while antiwrinkle injections are used on the platysma bands (neck), forehead, and crow’s feet. Meanwhile, another example of Bianca’s work is the correction of a patient’s smile, where they had originally requested a lip enhancement, but upon consultation, Bianca found that wasn’t the appropriate solution. The right side of the patient’s mouth, the LLSAN muscle, was pulled up higher than the other, making their smile appear quite unsymmetrical – therefore an antiwrinkle injection was used to relax the muscle, to not lift the upper lip so much and making the smile appear symmetrical. The patient was delighted with the result and felt more confident smiling. However, Bianca emphasises that this is an advanced technique, and it is risky, like all treatments, with this treatment affecting the smiling muscles. Not only does Bianca thrive on helping people in her day job, but she is also extremely enthusiastic about helping others, whether performing the highly advanced treatment of cleft lip fillers on a pro bono basis, or the clinic throwing a ball in support of Royal Children’s Hospital Charity and Bianca donating a portion of her salary to help reach the $5k mark. She wanted to support this charity as it is close to her heart with her having recently given birth to her daughter there and wanting to give something back. Alongside the extraordinary offering to BLC Aesthetic clients, there’s no denying the positive, nurturing environment for staff at the clinic, with its devotion towards working hard and ensuring everyone reaps the rewards. It is a safe and secure work culture, with a myriad of support and growth opportunities. Of course, the company is very strict in terms of the individuals it hires as they must align to its values and obtain intensive training to comply with its work ethic. Ultimately, it’s easy to see how Bianca and the team at BLC Aesthetic truly excel in their work, with the utmost commitment, expertise, and innovation. Their patients’ expectations are unfalteringly exceeded, with this underscored by over 100 glowing five-star reviews. And the clinic is showing no signs of slowing down as it continues to prove just how worthy it is to be recognised as Most Innovative Aesthetics Clinic 2024 – Melbourne. Company: BLC Aesthetics Contact: Bianca Lorena Saldes Email: [email protected] Website: Most Innovative Aesthetics Clinic 2024 - Melbourne