Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 127 Feb24026 Striving to deliver impactful services to those who may be faced with intellectual disabilities, Corner House Services is a support organisation whose aim to enhance quality of life via encouragement of independence remains uncontested throughout the New South Wales area. In the pursuit of helping individuals reach their full potential, the collective has created a compassionate framework that allows for a wholly positive and enriching experience – one that exists to uplift and empower at every turn. Join us as we explore how Corner House Services has come to represent the best of us. When working with those venturing through life with intellectual disabilities, it’s essential to recognise that they, as much as anyone else, deserve to have access to their full potential, while simultaneously experiencing the highest possible quality of life. Looking to bring this vision to the forefront of people’s minds is Corner House Services, an organisation whose outlook on supporting those in need sees it consistently changing lives for the better. Adopting an approach that centres around the best interests of clients, the organisation is able to deliver the exact level of support needed for each individual to truly flourish into the version of themselves they were always meant to be. This is further reflected through Corner House Services’ eagerness to constantly think outside the box. In fact, it finds itself thriving when delivering outlandish solutions that have never been considered before. This flexibility allows it to support any person in any situation, presenting individuals with the confidence that, no matter their requirements, there will always be someone on-hand to come up with a creative solution to reach their desired outcome. As a result, Corner House Services has become somewhat infamous within the local community, allowing it to connect with a wide variety of people across the area without having to pour time and resources into advertisement. With 90% of its intake enquiries being via word of mouth and recommendations from current and former participants, allied health professionals, and other support providers alike, Corner House Services has made it clear that its impact hasn’t gone unnoticed by those around it. On the contrary, it’s quickly managed to create a community within which those with intellectual disabilities can thrive as their authentic selves. Corner House Services is a paragon of compassion within its field, whether these origins span from its tight-knit team or its avid dedication to the people it supports. Regardless, its reputation is well earned, and ultimately propels it forward in its pursuit of assisting as many people as possible. However, nothing is more important to Corner House Services than enhancing the quality of life of those who may struggle to do so on their own. In short, it loves to watch people win, whatever their goals and aspirations are, and regardless of their disability. Every person should have the level of independence that suits them best, and the organisation is at the forefront of encouraging this notion as frequently as it can. Though difficulties partner certain disabilities, Corner House Services exists to echo the sentiment that nothing can hold you back from being exactly who you want to be, and its support stands as a testament to this overarching promise. No matter how it needs to go about doing so, Corner House Services will ensure that every single person it serves ends up living how they want to live. It’s for this very reason that Corner House Services has become an award-winning organisation – one whose commitment to empowering others has made an everlasting impact on the surrounding community. We simply can’t wait to watch as Corner House Services’ ambitions for 2024 manifest in a variety of unique ways, and we wish it all the best in its upcoming endeavours. Contact: Julie Anne Ford Company: Corner House Services Best Autism Support Service 2024 - New South Wales