Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 22 Most Trusted Fire Protection Specialists 2024 - New South Wales Based in Sydney, Full Range Fire Safety is a leading provider of fire safety solutions, working with a diverse client base that spans an array of businesses, government organisations, educational institutions, and residential properties, keeping people across the region of New South Wales safe and protected. This overarching aim is something that the team strive to achieve through their speciality services of fire suppression, installation, the maintenance of fire safety equipment, fire safety training, and emergency response planning. We catch up with General Manager Daniel Hall, who tells us more about the company and the key elements contributing to the successes that have led to it winning this award. Whether a customer is seeking to update the fire safety of an existing building or is designing a new build and wants nothing less than the best fire protection fitted throughout, Full Range Fire Safety possesses both the capacity and capability to fulfil any project’s fire protection, safety, and even electrical needs. From employing the best solutions across buildings through the likes of its robust fire doors and fire extinguishers, through to carrying out simple but critical routine services, this team make it their ultimate assignment to keep any and all fire equipment in perfect working condition, as should the worst happen, it is simply not worth leaving things up to chance. Strictly following all of the relevant national standards down to a T, the company is wholly dedicated to making sure that fire stopping, one of the most crucial aspects of certifying a building’s safety, is done properly. What this means is that should a fire start, the materials used will stop both it and the smoke from spreading and travelling through the likes of gaps in walls and flooring. Sitting atop of decades of experience in this sector, Full Range Fire Safety’s technicians are highly trained in all of the latest passive fire stopping techniques, and their local status within the New South Wales region means that they are fully up to date on local building codes and regulations. Just some of the cost-effective solutions that have been adopted by this team for maximum success in the realm of fire prevention include fire wrap, batts, collars, pillows, and mastic, this in addition to highperformance boards, smoke barriers, and cable coating. Since ongoing maintenance of these preventative measures is vital, and yet unfortunately often unlooked, such maintenance forms a key part of the company’s services. Of course, since every building is different, the team take all the time they need to understand the needs of their customers, providing them with custom plans that lead not only to compliance, but also customer satisfaction, evidenced by a series of positive testimonials. Built on the core values of trust, reliability, integrity, and customercentricity, Full Range Fire Safety seeks to embody these principles every day, with these serving to drive its relentless commitment to providing solutions that are bespoke, reliable, and ultimately contribute measurably towards the company’s ongoing triumphs. To attain the successful implementation of these tailored solutions, Daniel affirms just how important the company-customer relationship is, telling us, “we understand that every client has unique financial considerations, and our priority is to ensure that these are fully accommodated without compromising the effectiveness and quality of our fire safety measures.” Fitting its customers with the latest and greatest in fire safety technologies is a key part of this, and something that is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid shifts being experienced across the industry. As a whole, these relate primarily to issues Jan24088 surrounding sustainability and environmentally beneficial solutions, with these having to be achieved while adhering to the string of constantly evolving regulations that come with working in an industry as important as fire safety. Concerning New South Wales particularly, this area is also experiencing these like-minded shifts, with a particular emphasis currently being placed on stricter building codes and an increased awareness of fire risks related to batteries. Determined to navigate this barrage of constant change in a seamless fashion, Full Range Fire Safety has adopted the proactive approach of incorporating solutions to these emerging trends into its arsenal, staying one step ahead of the latest technological advancements and managing expected regulatory changes ahead of time, so as to continue to uphold its stellar reptation for offering specialised services that can manage Australia’s unique fire safety challenges effectively. Operating under the policy that, “no job is too small, no job is too big, and nothing is difficult, just a varying degree of a challenge”, one can clearly see that the company relishes the opportunity to be at the forefront of pioneering such advancements. Since this is an ethos shared across the entire team, innovation thus serves as a cornerstone of the company’s internal culture. Other elements comprising this workplace environment include teamwork and a commitment to excellence, and these traits are embodied by the team on a daily basis. It is necessary that everyone across the company from the top to the bottom shares the same values and remains wholly dedicated to maintaining the high standards that the company has set for itself, with ambition going a long way in making sure this is attained. Daniel explains, “nurturing our staff involves ongoing training, skill development, and a focus on work-life balance, ensuring they are equipped to contribute to our achievements.” Regarding the hiring of new employees, Daniel is a firm believer in attitude as a key marker for success, with this being something that cannot be taught. Once someone is deemed to have the correct attitude, aligning them with the business’ core values is easy, thus guaranteeing consistency across its workforce and an environment where everybody is treated equally. As one can garner, diversity is afforded the uppermost concern, with Full Range Fire Safety seeking to break the industry mould with a diverse group of employees that offset the traditionalist view that this is ‘man’s work’. Lauren Laker and Chan Tep are fantastic examples of this, with both women embodying excellence in their respective fields. As for what the future holds for Full Range Fire Safety, Daniel is excited to announce that the business is planning to expand its presence across New South Wales, this in addition to further investing in research and development so as to continue to bring cutting-edge fire safety technology and solutions to its clients. In closing, Daniel tells us,