Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 24 Livability Australia is an ACT based organisation which creates bespoke solutions for people with disabilities. From Supported Independent Living (SIL) to community access, social support, and coordination of supports; life skills development to in-home support; house and yard maintenance to transport support and employment services; Livability Australia is there in every way we need. Here we explore its contribution to the community and individuals across ACT as it is recognised in our Australian Enterprise Awards 2024. Life can be challenging in general, and, at times, life with a disability can be even tougher. That’s why it’s so important to find trustworthy organisations which make a real difference to our lives. We all have goals, dreams, and needs – and that’s why Livability Australia is so important to us. Finding a support system which allows for people with disabilities to flourish can take time, but, with Livability Australia, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Providing bespoke support services for physical and mental health, Livability Australia is dedicated to addressing the complex needs of every and any individual in need of extra help. Furthermore, whether it’s long or short term support, Livability Australia always finds a way to lend an experienced and professional hand. Registered with the National Disability Insurance Agency, Livability Australia is able to see the bigger picture and support in every way needed. Staying ahead of the curve and up to date with every valuable service on offer within the industry, Livability Australia ensures that its team and network are able to make adjustments in a flexible manner. As a NDIS registered provider, Livability Australia never falls short of compliance regulations and safeguarding standards. Of course, the entity has faced challenges over its time. With regards to individual funding challenges, Livability Australia has pushed itself out of its comfort zone and thought outside the box to achieve more for its clients. This has meant different approaches to delivering support, developing specific training for its support staff, and working with the necessary stakeholders to maximise positive outcomes. Livability Australia’s bespoke services guarantee a personalised approach to each individual, and its clientele reap the benefits no matter what their needs and requirements are. Its qualified team offer their time to discuss and understand all levels of needs, whether they seem straightforward or extremely complex. They each have the wisdom required to support in a customised way, and the tailored approach means that clients can live better and achieve more with their time. “Our success in matching participants with the best possible support staff is second to none, we consider goals, personalities, and what kind of service delivery the participant is looking to experience.” Livability Australia’s seamless matchmaking system allows for the best pairing of staff and client, so that the best outcome can materialise from the partnership. This creates a strong feeling of connection between client and support worker, ensuring that everyone feels safe, comfortable, and highly supported. Livability Australia’s reputation within the surrounding community is unparalleled, and all of its clients come from word-of-mouth recommendations. With no advertising, some organisations can fall flat – but not Livability Australia. As its reputation is so strong, and its compassion is so widely recognised, people tend to flock to its services after hearing of the results the organisation can deliver. This is a powerful, commendable, and inspirational support system for other organisations looking to improve their presence and, of course, a brilliant example of a place to find physical and psychological safety. Cherry picking all outstanding individuals as support staff, Livability Australia understands that a diverse roster of people will inevitably help it to support a more diverse selection of individuals with varied needs and dreams. “It takes a practical, positive attitude to problem solve and overcome barriers in supporting others to achieve their goals.” The organisation also encourages team bonding which has helped Most Person-Centric Disability Services Provider 2024 - Australian Capital Territory Jan24320