Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

31 that is friendly, positive, and productive. Other factors that have proven instrumental in the creation of such an endearing and enduring culture include trust, open communication, and sharing goals and values, with this trio also being sought out when it comes to the hiring of new employees. Regarding the striking of a good work-life balance, something that has become increasingly desirable following on from the pandemic, Mezan explains, “we promote healthy boundaries between work and personal life to help employees avoid burnout and maintain well-being.” Implementing such an exemplary working environment brings with it demonstrable benefits for the company, as apparent through its incredibly low rate of staff turnover. Furthermore, by recognising and appreciating the efforts of team members through the acknowledging of their success and rewarding of hard work and achievements, whether these are big or small, employees feel valued, motivated, and enjoy coming to work, thus serving the brand and its customers even better. Guaranteeing that a workplace is continuously created whereby employees feel engaged, valued, and ultimately empowered to do their best is one of the key reasons for the business being celebrated with this award. When it comes to the future of Luxor and what the rest of 2024 and beyond has in store for the brand, Mezan is quick to comment that, “the only way to predict your future is to create it, and Luxor has a lot of ideas in the pipeline that will soon be revealed.” Shedding more insight on what exactly these secretive plans may entail, Mezan continues, “we’ve mastered the small stuff and are going to be taking on larger projects. We are [also] in the process of expanding our team and are very excited about the not-too-distant future!” Leveraging a holistic method inclusive of beautiful designs, high quality work, a modern approach to business, and after care services aplenty, Luxor Commercial and Joinery Pty Ltd is highly distinguished in this sector for providing fantastic renovations from start to finish, designing dream kitchens and bathrooms while also carrying out joinery of all sorts for both the residential and commercial sectors. With all of this to boot, it is clear to see why the business is being celebrated for this award, and if the first 34 years of operations are anything to go by, this company is set for similar triumphs for decades still to come. Contact: Mezan El Masri Company: Luxor Commercial and Joinery Ptd Ltd Web Address: https://www.