Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 32 Jan24086 MCT Care Pty Ltd exists for the purposes of providing its fantastic, innovative services and support to those people in the region with disabilities, empowering them to achieve whatever it is they set out to do. Bolstered by the motto, “live the life, the way you want”, this approved NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) provider assists in such areas as support coordination, psycho-social recovery, assistance with day-to-day activities, community access, plan managements, supported independent living, respite, and short-term accommodation. In short, MCT Care impactfully supports its clients based on their choice and control, and we speak with Director Surya Pokhrel, in order to find out more. A leading figure in the world of NDIS services for more than six years, MCT Care is headed up by a team of passionate, experienced health professionals who leverage their expertise to provide pioneering services in an effective and nurturing manner. From plans through to interventions and evaluations, it is the primary aim of this team to afford the best outcome for the individual, their family, and carers, and by asking for input from a client and their family on the type of programme or strategy that would be the most desirable and best suited, fully tailored, personalised, and quality solutions are provided that manage the unique needs of every client with as great a positive and transformative impact as possible. This constant strive for quality is at the very heart of MCT Care, something it partners with a person-centric approach so as to achieve the best possible results for all of the individuals that it is proud to work with. As firm believers that living with a disability should in no way limit the opportunities available to a person or result in a confined lifestyle, the team remain wholly passionate about the high calibre of support that they provide, a service which not only manages current needs, but anticipates future needs as well. By remaining by their side every step of the way, client independence can be measurably enhanced, and their horizons broadened, the end result being an overall improvement of one’s outlook. Equally as important to this team is prioritising both physical and mental well-being, as well as opening up as many different social avenues as possible for clients, be it access to education, work, or social activities, to name just a few. From learning a beneficial skill through to connecting with others and visiting exciting new places, MCT Care’s support workers not only stand firm by a person’s side, but they cheer them on in order to yield positive change. This all contributes towards the overarching mission of everyone within the company, which is to provide exemplary care and support to promote a safer, healthier, and ultimately more fulfilling life. This unique, innovative ability to manage the wishes and requests of all participants distinguishes MCT Care in this space, and as Surya explains, “here at MCT Care, we understand that everyone is different and will require a unique approach […]. By providing client specific support and accommodating their requests, we are able to ensure that our support [is] effective.” This process all begins by assisting in personal activities and household tasks, whereby a member of this team will be on hand in a client’s home to help them with tasks such as getting washed and dressed, starting their day off in the right way. From here, help can be sought out regarding such routine staples as cooking and shopping. Another keen area of service that is focused on is the realm of community participation, an encompassing field, but one that mostly revolves around the crucial areas of going to work/ school/further education and seeing/talking with friends, family members, and colleagues. Such participation within a wider community setting is vital for developing both the personal and societal factors of one’s personality, but MCT Care recognises that people with disabilities can find themselves hindered in this area, largely as a result of the lack of support for their needs. Remedying this, MCT Care’s specific support empowers persons to engage actively with the community, setting them off on the path towards independence. Thanks to this high level of bespoke support, the company’s client base is able to partake in activities that many of us take for granted but can prove detrimental to mental health and alienate a person if they are not actively involved. Examples of this include joining a sports team, going to a movie or concert, visiting a local library, or even going on holiday. Providing their clients with such opportunities is an example of the team engaging proactively with the company’s aforementioned ethos of, “live the life, the way you want”, something it achieves further through its support coordination services, an element of their offerings that this team are incredibly proud of. Support coordination refers to the strengthening of the abilities of participants, once more underscoring a commitment to consolidating their personal development so as to allow for more rewarding engagement with the wider community. Split in two, the first level of this is primarily centred around strengthening a client’s ability to connect with the support systems that are available to them, including their own individual plans set by the NDIS, allowing for more independent participation when it comes to NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) processes. Level two is the natural evolution of this, revolving around coordination of support and covering such areas as crisis planning and resilience/capacity building. Most Innovative NDIS Provider 2024 - New South Wales