Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 50 Jan24615 Engage Comply Pay is the event industry’s most trusted payroll specialist, committed to supporting workplace relations compliance for the benefit of both businesses and employees. The company offers an engagement and payroll platform, empowering users to work together and ensure that their relationships, payments, and statutory obligations are all above board. Here, we explore Australia’s workplace relations system and how Engage Comply Pay can help businesses to comply with the necessary regulations. With a strong economy, prospects for skilled migrants, a multicultural society, education and training opportunities, and a history of outstanding achievement in a diverse range of industries, Australia is a popular destination for professionals looking to work their way up the career ladder or branch into new areas. The country has become known for its highly educated and skilled workforce, making it an attractive location for companies seeking top talent. However, for businesses, managing recruitment, payroll, and compensation plans while adhering to local employment laws in Australia can be challenging. Set out in the Commonwealth Government’s Fair Work Act 2009 and other workplace legislation, the Australian national workplace relations system establishes a safety net of minimum terms and conditions of employment and a range of other workplace rights and responsibilities. The system aims to protect them from discrimination and unfair or unlawful termination of employment and preserve their rights to engage in industrial activities and be free from undue influence or pressure in negotiating individual arrangements. It also establishes a system of rules and obligations surrounding enterprise-level collective bargaining, which is the official process through which trade unions negotiate with employers on behalf of their members. In order for businesses to ensure compliance with the Fair Work Act, they must first recognise the rights of their employees then minimise the risk of noncompliance by assessing their current operations. To do this, they should ask themselves a series of questions related to the rights of their workforce, like whether they make pay slips with all the necessary details available to staff and whether they have a system in place for tracking leave entitlements. If the answer is no to any of the questions, they must examine their current activities in order to strengthen their compliance. Engage Comply Pay’s engagement and payroll platform is designed to help companies in the events industry to comply with the necessary workplace relations regulations. The company strives to take care of the red tape and operations side of things, enabling its clients to focus on growing their businesses and organising the country’s top events. At present, the workplace relations space is undergoing significant change, with a number of developments slated for this year. Engage Comply Pay is committed to ensuring that businesses are prepared to adapt their operations accordingly. Since its inception, Engage Comply Pay has built and maintained an outstanding reputation by demonstrating an unwavering commitment to compliance. The company is not about avoidance or undercutting; instead, its goal is to make sure that businesses and workers all pay their fair share. With the core values of fairness, compliance, and support, it champions people’s right to engage in fair and compliant work arrangements. Internally, the Engage Comply Pay team are deeply passionate about workplace compliance. This genuine enjoyment shines through in everything they do, setting the company apart from competitors in a populated field. In hiring, Engage Comply Pay seeks individuals who demonstrate an interest in the field and nurtures their technical skills and abilities through training and development opportunities. The company celebrates their success with bonuses and supports them to be the best version of themselves with employee support programmes and education. Currently, the events industry in Australia is recovering from the drastic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused the cancellation of many events and put countless employees out of work. Since then, Engage Comply Pay has been working with its clients to bring events back. As the world returns to normal, the company is well on the way to achieving this mission. Through the provision of its useful engagement and payroll platform, the company wants to play a part in encouraging the industry’s workforce to be actively engaged in their work, accurately compensated for what they do, and have fun along the way. For its outstanding work, Engage Comply Pay has been named Most Trusted Event Payroll Specialists in the Australian Enterprise Awards 2024. In the year ahead, the company looks forward to launching an exciting new platform, which will enable it to deliver much more dynamic and on-hand technology services to its clients and contractors. This new product has been in development for many years and Engage Comply Pay is thrilled to soon share it with its customers. Beyond this, the company will explore the possibility of international expansion, bringing its useful products and services to more and more workplaces. Contact: Stephanie Bird Company: Engage Comply Pay Web Address: engagecomplypay. Most Trusted Event Payroll Specialists 2024