Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 60 Servicing clients Australia-wide, Integrate Rehab promotes independence, choice, and quality of life. Integrate Rehab has excelled in supporting clients and their families since it was established 14 years ago in 2010. By adopting a three-fold approach: clinical rigour, tenacity, and bespoke tactics Integrate Rehab aims to improve the lives, those with disabilities. We speak with Director/Occupational Therapist Erin Pavy, who tells us more about this award-winning disability and injury rehabilitation centre. Providing an array of high-quality case management and allied health services to expertly support those people living with disabilities or complex injuries. It is the overarching focus of this private rehabilitation company to support and champion its clients at every turn, empowering them to achieve their goals. It is the vision of this dedicated, expert team to protect and uphold the rights of those with disability or injury, enabling them to interact fully with their local community, pursue their own goals and exercise the choice and control necessary to live one’s life to the fullest. Integral to this service is raising awareness and empowering through education and supporting people to make informed decisions. The team at Integrate Rehab are dedicated to collaborating effectively with stakeholders to provide quality, practical and life changing solutions in the areas of care, accommodation, equipment, healthcare, and more. Driven by the values of honesty, integrity, and respect; this team leverage an inclusive business structure that is accessible and responsive. Commenting on the team, Erin explains, “our team is differentiated by our thoroughness, discipline, and rigour.” She continues, “this manifests internally and projects externally in persistence and determination infused with highquality clinical and evidencebased judgement”, with staff willing to stand by their clinical judgement across all settings, fostering change through respect rather than popularity. Growing Integrate Rehab is something that has never been sought out simply for the sake of it. Growth is meticulously calculated and executed organically, ensuring that it optimises the quality of the services. The NDIS (National Disability Inclusion Scheme) is the biggest change Australia has seen to the disability sector in many decades. One guiding principle – a better deal to those with disability - was sound. However, the execution is flawed, and this is leaving the most vulnerable people in our community without supports, drowning in red tape, exhausted and disillusioned. NDIS staff are poorly supported to make effective decisions, which has caused enormous disruption and distress. While there is narrative that the backlog in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is being addressed the NDIA continue to engage expensive legal representatives, creating as many barriers as possible, and often being obstructive to participants achieving their legal entitlements. Erin tells us, “experience has demonstrated the critical importance of expert opinion and persistence in pursuing adequate NDIS funding”. Offering a robust suite of services brings, Erin states, “never sacrifice quality, don’t take short-cuts, and back your clinical judgement. It isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile.” Our team loves a challenge and has fun working together to achieve great outcomes. Making a fundamental difference to those living with disability is at the core of what we do. This ethos is backed with what Erin describes as, “comprehensive, regular, and bespoke continuous professional development”. Similarly, when it comes to recruitment, Erin, and her team, “seek professionals who believe that a challenge is an opportunity to grow and key to a fulfilling career.” The fantastic career opportunities that the company affords in this space are ultimately some of the business’ defining elements, particularly its robust graduate programme, which provides extensive shadowing and supervision, a well-structured induction and onboarding programme, opportunities for external training, and access to a dedicated team who are determined to support this growth. With these qualities in tow, it is no surprise that the entirety of this team, all connote similar excellence and an unwavering commitment to their objectives, vision, values, and mission statement. Leveraging such traits when it comes to securing its frontrunner position well into the future. The rest of 2024 for Integrate Rehab is set to be defined by a like-minded and enduring commitment to providing its clients with quality outcomes, underpinned by persistence in the face of constant challenge. Signing off, Erin tells us, “clearly, major changes to the NDIS will occur. Inevitably, there will be threats, risks, and opportunities in those changes.” No matter what the future holds, Integrate Rehab’s steadfast loyalty to its clients and unmatched skill in operating according to their unique needs is sure to continue to shine through for years to come, and we wish Erin and everyone else working at this great company all the best as they continue to navigate this ever-evolving sector. Most Dedicated Disability & Injury Rehabilitation Centre 2024 - Queensland Jan24212