Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 72 Having been newly minted with the title of Best Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Service Providers 2024 – Australia, Training and Skills Certified’s testament to revolutionising the ways that individuals unlock their potential is clear. By expertly bridging the gap between qualifications awarded in an official capacity and practical expertise, the company has succeeded in cementing itself as a leading provider, carving out a stellar reputation in the process. Founded in 2016 by the duo of visionary CEO Mr. Tommy Vu and Ms. Meesha Nguyen, the business’ RPL consultancy services radiate distinction and highlight an unwavering commitment to excellence. We catch up with Tommy Vu to find out more as the company wins its esteemed award for the second consecutive year. Recognition of prior learning (often shortened to RPL), is a process that has been designed in order to assess one’s competency and is undertaken through a dual process of formal and informal learning in order to determine if an individual is a suitable match for the requirements of a particular unit of study. A variety of documents can be used across this application process, including such portfolio elements as records of completed training, assessment items/ records, a declaration from an employer, and a copy of any student records. Within this sphere, one company’s light shines particularly bright, this being Training and Skills Certified, a business steadfast in its ambition to provide pioneering RPL services for those of all nationalities in Australia. Winning Best Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Service Providers in our Australian Enterprise Awards in 2023 and 2024, Training and Skills Certified has established itself as the top choice within the industry. From hidden gems to shining stars, Training and Skills Certified’s success stems from its dedication to serving each and every nationality in the country. By focusing on the bespoke needs of its many clients, this business has truly risen to the top. Gaining the trust of its customers, and building strong relationships along the way, Training and Skills Certified has certainly become a shimmering example of an enterprise with a lot of heart. The company’s expansion plan is simple, with its team learning and growing by practising every day, adopting an approach that emphasises a client’s realworld, hands-on, and practical experiences, sound in the knowledge that education is more than just what a person learns in a classroom environment. Training and Skills Certified is driven by a core mission, which, as Tommy explains, is to, “help our customers achieve greater success and life transformation through their competency.” He elaborates, “we are dedicated to serve our customers for winning and growing together.” One such way that the company is able to work towards this mission is through its team of experienced consultants, with these serving as one of the business’ key differentiators when comparing it to the competition. Consultants at Training and Skills Certified do more than just give guidance, rather, they provide a tailored journey that is befitting of a client’s unique, marketable skills and relevant to their career aspirations. Underpinning this award-winning consultancy approach are the core elements of dedication and personalisation, something that Tommy expounds, “our team of experienced consultants stand as a testament to our commitment to personalised service. Each consultant is dedicated to supporting customers anytime, anywhere, providing direction that goes beyond traditional guidance. Your skills and career are unique, and at Training and Skills Certified, we approach your case with a dedication and personalisation that ensures you take the right next steps for your career.” This is not the only area where Training and Skills Certified puts its prowess into action, however, with another notable distinction spanning the team’s exemplary service, which can be described as dedicated and enthusiastic. At the heart of this approach is a team who are truly passionate about what they do, with this fire being apparent through the service provided, which strives to go above and beyond when it comes to meeting client expectations. This high level of service is apparent throughout the company’s operations, whether a client is seeking assistance navigating the field of RPL or is pursuing guidance on their next career move. Finally, the company is set apart in its field by a response that is fast and effective, something that has proven integral in the team yielding success in the dynamic business environment in which they operate. Tommy explains, “this commitment not only streamlines processes but also builds strong relationships and instils confidence between businesses and potential customers.” By embodying Best Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Service Providers 2024 - Australia Jan24583 From Hidden Gems to Shining Stars.