Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

73 such an ethos across the board, Training and Skills Certified has succeeded in its quest of contributing a swift and positive experience to its clients, something that is sure to stay with them long after they have finished utilising the team’s expertise. It is the combination of these three distinct areas of service that combine to solidify Training and Skills Certified’s uniquity in the field, with the company offering up a service that is personalised and complete with the unique guidance necessary to navigate what can often be a challenging and scary prospect. As Tommy eloquently puts it, “upholding a strong reputation, the company places a high value on meticulous attention to detail, prompt response, and a commitment to mutual success and growth.” The common thread across this multifaceted approach is customercentricity, with this serving as the overarching theme that the team pride themselves on the most. When it comes to traversing the trends of the industry, the team are true specialists. Having already recognised the current trend of providing a personalised service ahead of time, it is something that the business now considers to be its core offering, with guidance that is wholly tailored towards an individual’s situation and ambition. Staying ahead of such trends requires constant adaptation, embraced by Training and Skills Certified thanks to its consultants being trained to expect the unexpected in every situation, rather than merely adopting an impersonal, cookie-cutter approach. Tommy tells us, “this commitment to customisation enhances customer satisfaction and contributes to positive outcomes.” These successes can be attributed to a positive internal team spirit, one that Tommy describes as being defined by, “a strong sense of unity, collaboration, and a positive work environment.” Beginning at the top with Tommy and Meesha, a collaborative spirit trickles down the company ladder, reaching everyone within the firm, even the newest of recruits. Regarding employees, staff members are people who possess a commitment to excellence, a customer-oriented mindset, and a willingness to go above and beyond at every turn. An internal spirit akin to this is paramount in sustaining success, and has enabled the team to, “navigate uncertainties and adapt to the evolving landscape of RPL programs in Australia.” As Tommy looks ahead to the future of Training and Skills Certified, he does so with acknowledgement of the obligation that comes along with the enviable position that the company is in as a frontrunner in the space. He tells us, “in accepting this prestigious award, we acknowledge the responsibility it brings, and we are committed to surpassing the expectations set by this recognition.” Future plans also revolve around upholding this promise, with the company aiming to further expand its impact and reach, broadening its portfolio so as to cater to an ever-evolving spectrum of client needs. The rest of 2024 is set to be equally as prosperous for the company, with a particular focus on the evolution of educational needs, with a similar calibre of innovative RPL solutions being introduced that expertly keep pace with the technological advancements of the industry. An array of positive client testimonials corroborate the effectiveness of Training and Skills Certified’s philosophy, and as Tommy states in closing, “by weaving the mission, our values, and CEO vision into the business, we emphasise the company’s commitment to customer success, excellence, and transformative education experiences.” Contact: Tommy Vu and Meesha Nguyen Company: Training and Skills Certified Web Address:https:// trainingandskillscertified. Bridging the Gap - Transforming Lives