Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 78 Miscible Co.: a brilliant virtual agency with great visual designers and thinkers specialises in frontiers of discovery and innovation in science and technology. It is a media house that helps with great ideas that have the potential to solve the biggest economic, environmental, and sociological challenges. Here we take a deeper look at Miscible Co. as it wins its title in our Australian Enterprise Awards 2024. Best Female-Owned Marketing Agency 2024 – Victoria This is an era of science. From healthcare to technology and the media, everything is evolving towards a new height on a worldwide scale. However, hundreds of technological advancements every year remain unheard of and unfunded due to lack of simple communication. Thus, scientific communication has become the utmost important, to understand how a specific technology works and how it can be beneficial for everyone. As a result, new visual media houses are emerging to bridge the gap between these innovations and the right audience. One of the best in the digital and visual design field is Miscible Co. (Miscible), working splendidly in science communication. Miscible is made of great minds, designers, and disruptors that can blend scientific ideas into interesting and compelling content that connect and inspire. Miscible translates great ideas by communicating them through explainer animations and beautiful infographics. It also works to streamline branding and event collateral. The team supports people working on scientific technology advancements and discoveries. If any company, whether in manufacturing, research, government, or any other sector, is working on scientific innovation, Miscible is a great visual media partner to communicate those ideas. Miscible celebrates excellence and focuses on presenting the intricate ideas of its clients. By extension, its mission is to solve the communication problem for others. In 2023 alone, Miscible helped organisations to attain funding and resources of over $149M for vital research and development. It is always in search of revolutionary ideas that, with the right opportunities, can bring change on a global scale. Furthermore, in the span of just three years, Miscible could acquire over 200 projects and 40 clients. Founder Molly Patton, with her experience in scientific research and the creative industry, develops tailored systems, strategies, and memorable media for organisations of all sizes across some of the biggest markets in the world, including the United Kingdom, United States, UAE, and Australia. She has spent the past seven years creating visual media to translate complex scientific ideas to appropriate audiences. She has also cultivated an ecosystem of creative talent, where the entire team works together to contribute their specific experience and skillsets. Together they create all forms of digital and print media. They are united by a common ethos of supporting and helping every new scientific development, whether in quantum physics or new technologies, to ensure sustainable water supplies for future generations and solutions to decrease plastic waste. Molly and her team create vivid pictures of their clients’ brilliant ideas, to reveal to the right people – which helps to attract seamless opportunities for funding, investment, and collaboration. Together with their creative skills they produce visuals which connect with audiences to help to create something that could help the world. Miscible has been bestowed with the prestigious award of Best Female-Owned Marketing Agency 2024 – Victoria. Under Molly’s guidance this visual media firm has unlocked the door of endless potential to give a voice to new technologies. Thus, it is electrifying for us to imagine what more this media company has to offer in the future. Contact Details Contact: Molly Patton Company: Miscible Co. Web Address: https://miscible. co/ Jan24111