Australian Enterprise Awards 2024

APAC Insider- Australian Enterprise Awards 2024 | 96 A registered training organisation with key specialties in the areas of mental health, the Veterans Care , the community health , aged care, and out-of-home care, Adachi Group is an exemplary care and community services provider that is wholly compliant with all of the necessary legislation and compliance. One of very few community and health organisations in the region that is ISO 9001 certified, the business’ distinction is clear to see, and has resulted in it being celebrated with this Australian Enterprise Award. Best Family-Run Care & Disability Services Company 2024 - Western Australia Named after the Japanese word for mighty warrior, Adachi Group in Cannington is comprised of a team whose firm and guiding belief is that there is a mighty warrior within all of us, and it is their overarching aim to bring this out in everybody. This family business advocates strongly for its local community, with its services revolving around improving quality of life for the elderly, homeless, and vulnerable population, in addition to its exemplary work with those individuals with both physical and mental disabilities. From its fingerprint-inspired logo through to its status as an experienced community provider, Adachi recognises that everyone is different, and on the back of this, strives to help all to achieve their unique goals, while simultaneously strengthening capacities to not only live, but thrive independently and confidently in the community. Across its operations, the Adachi team possess vast experience in both acute care and disability and have thus succeeded in adopting the necessary tried and tested structures and systems to yield success for each of their clients. While Adachi already excels in this field, continuous improvement is a top priority, and its team are constantly seeking out new ways to better themselves and their services so as to set a new gold standard for the wider industry. All of this has only been made possible by staff wholeheartedly embodying such positive traits as being hardworking, enthusiastic, resilient, and innovative, common threads that tie everything within the business together for maximum success. This all starts at the top, with Adachi Group CEO Adrian Mtungwazi, and trickles down through the rest of the business to the company’s key hands-on personnel, all of whom have extensive experience working or living with a person with a disability. Aided immeasurably by loyal, dedicated staff members such as these, it is the company’s overarching vision to improve the overall quality of life for its local community, transforming it for the better. To achieve this, its mission revolves around providing high-quality services and outcomes for those citizens within local communities that need that extra level of help and support. Those within the business see themselves as a catalyst for change, with all of the actions undertaken by this united team done so based on the unwavering belief that both independence and freedom are two fundamental human rights that should not have to be compromised on. Beyond just the distinction of its staff, Adachi Disability Services leverages its skill in accordance with six core values that serve as the cornerstones of what the business is built on. These values are accountability, dependability, adaptability, courage, honesty, and integrity. A spokesperson for the company ties these values together effectively, explaining, “we hold ourselves and each other accountable to our values, which enables us to depend on one another and adapt quickly to changes.” They continue, “we have the courage to make tough decisions and do what is right, even when it is not easy. We are honest with each other and ourselves, which builds trust and integrity in our relationships.” Ultimately, it is the responsibility of those within this team to bring these values to life, as well as supporting those team members around them, recognising when somebody goes that extra mile, and present themselves in a positive light, as first impressions matter, particularly in client-facing roles. Moreover, as a part of the proactive approach to managing positive change as mentioned above, staff are encouraged to participate in any necessary training so as to streamline their expertise, this in addition to sharing any ideas they may have with both colleagues and managers, benefiting the business as a whole. With such a devoted and enthusiastic team to boot that are committed to providing nothing less than the best for their clients, Adachi Group shines when it comes to providing tailored and professional care right from the heart. Contact: Nilum Lalani Company: Adachi Group Web Address: https://adachi. Jan24707