APAC CEO of the Year Awards 2023

targeted & approached. This ensures that the organisations Capacitate works with already have a predisposition for action and accountability. Capacitate aims to work with companies who have a yearly revenue of NZ$35 – 250M, as it offers an engagement model and value proposition that specifically appeals to this mid-market sector. Its speed of execution, subject matter expertise, and lightweight commercial model is ideal for this market as it also offers extensive privacy and IP protection to its clients. Capacitate Group has a simple mission to lift the digital capability, capacity and cyber posture for the mid-market. This is because it feels that in the APAC region, the midmarket is the engine room for innovation and employment, and therefore the more agile, secure and efficient this market is, the better it is for everyone. Secure data, and greater employee efficiency rates means better margins for employers, and greater levels of innovation for consumers. This is a net benefit in all of the areas that matter most to an economy. The Capacitate Group operating model achieves that emphatically. In terms of leadership, James identifies himself as a strategy guy, who’s upfront with the team about goals and plans. On a personal level, he feels that he himself has been very lucky in the past in that he’s experienced both excellent and terrible bosses and taken on board valuable lessons from both. One of the major practices he has adopted is to trust your people. He interprets this as setting workers up with the tools, skills and freedom to succeed, whilst always being there for them as and when needed. To take this a step further, James makes sure that his employees know they are valued, but also that they will receive a reference from him if they decide to move on, and he’ll support them all the way. Not that he would ever want employees to leave, but more he understands nothing is forever. If any of his people need to move on for whatever reason, he’ll do the best he can to help them get where they need to be. He strongly feels building this sense of family and community is crucial to a strong culture. Now, as the worthy winner of Digital Transformation CEO of the Year 2023 (New Zealand): James Dickinson, whatever could be next on the cards? Well, as a first-time business owner, who has now ended up in an ownership position on four operating companies, James has a lot of complex, competing priorities to handle. The impact of this has been a loss of free time to spend with family, friends and on recreational pursuits. Consequently, one of the things James has been trying to do is find a better balance. He has developed a framework that supports rapid decision making and started using this to achieve quick decisions made without compromise to quality. He is also eager to launch the SaaS (Software-as-a-service) of the model the company has been successfully delivering for years. Nothing stands still, it seems, for this accomplished CEO. He is determined to develop the next generation of leaders in cyber and digital transformation and have fun along the way! Contact: James Dickinson Company: Capacitate Group LTD Web Address: www.capacitategroup.com/