APAC Issue 5 2018 - Leecare

6 APAC / Issue 5 2018 , The Aged Care Industry’s Leading Web Browser- based EHR Platform As the aged care clinical and operational software pioneer of Australia and NewZealand, Leecare Solutions has now set its sights on a new challenge, and as such, over the past three years it has worked hard to become Singapore’s selected premier aged care solution. We spoke to CEO andManaging Director Dr Caroline Lee, who has been named as APAC Insider’s CEO of the Year, as we look to further explore the secrets behind the company’s success in Singapore and how the company drew on its vast industry experience to achieve this. Since 1997, Leecare has implemented its professional software in Australia, and the first New Zealand installation was deployed in 2002, with the company moving into Singapore in 2015. In all three of these markets, the company’s core structure is based on the professional nursing and quality process, which is designed to help providers’ management and staff save time, meet their quality standards’ and professional, regulatory obligations whilst optimising their funding claims as relevant, using a recognisable method. Providing a wealth of services, Leecare’s client base includes the best, leading organisations within Australia and New Zealand who are focused on quality care and outcomes and Leecare is proud to have been selected by these exceptional organisations. With offices now in Melbourne, Wellington and Singapore, the company’s 40 strong Leecare team of experienced, expert aged care and IT professionals, support its ‘not for profit’ and ‘not for loss’ premier aged care organisations in each country, including many Australian State government owned sites. The country’s current Enterprise level deployments include single installations with 9,500 active clients/residents (and growing), but also smaller 10 bed client installations to ensure it continues its mission to support all residents, clients, staff and management in the aged care sector. Moreover, the firm is also intensely cognisant of data security and health data regulations, and as such, Leecare supports all clients, ensuring they have their own installation in either their infrastructure or on the company’s Cloud as preferred, with only two requested SAAS installations for multi-organisation groups who have combined resources to implement this option which the team can also support. Currently, Leecare supports over 650 aged care organisations’ through the implementation and sustained deployment of the Platinum5 clinical and operations’ software suite. The company’s six program suite, which has been developed and deployed since 1997, includes its Platinum5 clinical and lifestyle management solution; P5Exec: the operations and quality management support system, P5Med which involves all medication management processes; P5Finance, which includes accounts payable, receivable, general ledger and other speciality finance management features required by an aged care organisation; and, finally, Leecare’s P5Pharmacy messaging and its P5Mobile Applications. As pioneers in the market, unlike other aged care software vendors, since 1992 Leecare has provided expert consulting and education support to the sector, always focused on aged and community care nursing, and provider success. This meant that the company’s very first software version, and every subsequent version, has been built on the professional principles and processes that the team has advised and worked on and continue to do so, with clients on the ground. The team has continued to grow and support clients, with relevant additional features provided by the expert, in-house, Leecare development team. 1805AP04 Boasting a sterling reputation throughout the APAC region, Leecare, alongside its clients, have won more Australian IT in aged care (ITAC), Information Technology implementation and Best Software Awards than any other product, having also supported more services to successfully achieve maximum accreditation and certification outcomes than any other software in the countries it is deployed in. Caroline believes this is due to Leecare’s structure being designed by nurses and aged care managers, who work closely with the software development team to ensure its target audience needs are always at the forefront of any design change. Caroline talks to us about the vision of the company and the extra mile that the team goes to in order to do the best for its clients. “Here at Leecare, we are focused on being able to be used via any device, on any platform and any browser, to save infrastructure and on the ground costs in a strapped for cash sector, and retaining a reputation of being the leading professional electronic health record platform in the sector.”

http://intimate.io/ http://www.leecare.co.nz/ http://www.leecare.com.au/ http://www.leecare.sg/