APAC Issue 6 2018

APAC / Issue 6 2018 13 Dedicated to Innovation in the Practice of Law g socio-economic background the client comes from, as well as being dedicated to innovation in the practice of law. Clients can then rely on McDonald Murholme’s established relationships to achieve early resolution in disputes, which allows them as individuals to do what they want to do – ‘get on with their lives’ – whether they be the CEO or the casual worker. The firm’s lawyers often contribute to multiple publications such as Lawyer’s Weekly, Seek, Dynamic Business and HRM by writing informative articles often related to current employment issues in the media such as sexual harassment, redundancies and discrimination. In addition to this, McDonald Murholme also utilises a number of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to communicate with the public as well as a specialised Q&A blog- Employment Law Online where the firm strives to educate the public about their workplace rights. In 2017, the blog had over 80,000 visitors who utilised the free resource to empower themselves with knowledge, as well as providing recommendations for individuals going through workplace issues. The number continues to grow into 2018. McDonald Murholme takes pride in having a positive corporate culture with regular social activities both during work time and outside of work hours. Recently staff have participated in lunch time yoga classes for both physical and mental benefits. As a result, the classes have increased the overall wellbeing of employees. Lastly, staff also participate in team building exercises such as trivia nights and mini golf, as well as holding fundraising events for causes such as The Cancer Council as well as a strong affiliation with Beyond Blue. Contact: Katherine Leonard Company: McDonald Murholme Level 10, 90 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia Telephone: 03 9650 4555 Web Address: www.mcdonaldmurholme.com.au