Jan22686 FeFbe2b225233869 Established in February of 2020, Banton Group is a relatively young company in which the eponymous Amanda Banton is the managing and sole equity partner. Upon setting this firm up, she brought all her previous clients with her from Squire Patton Boggs – a world famous law firm – so that she could continue serve them with her usual diligence, tenacity, and comprehensiveness. The fact that all these clients were happy to follow her speaks volumes to the kind of quality of service that she delivers as standard. Banton Group, the law frm set up by incredible p r o f e s s i o n a l Amanda Banton, is the new home of many clients who were looked after Amanda herself during her time working at Squire Patton Boggs, and the new workplace for several of SPB’s own employees. Her team, her cases, her information, all of it was transferred over, and so she was able to hit the ground running with the Banton Group’s own climb to the top of the industry, fuelled by Amanda’s interstellar reputation. Thus, in her position as one of the world’s most preeminent lawyers in litigation, engagement, commercial, and corporate law, she and her team handle all manner of complex restructuring and insolvency for the clients of Banton Group, promising to work with them to reach a satisfying conclusion. Having become one of Australia’s largest private practices, its professional staff number at 18 – and this number is only growing as it continues to grow in scale – each of them helping it to become irrevocably entwined with Australia’s most complex legal systems. Indeed, with the eyes of the national and international stage on her and her practice, she has truly created something to be proud of. The specialist felds it operates in – as well as the pioneering fnancial services litigation, groundbreaking cases, and cases involving signifcant media attention – have each massively endeared it to its market segment and wider industry, having successfully recovered over half a billion dollars in settlements and judgements. Primarily, its efforts focus on the side of the plaintiff. In dispute resolution, Banton Group distinguishes itself by the investigation of potential actions on the behalf of insolvency practitioners, trustees, and custodians seeking to recover funds for creditors, unit holders, and trust benefciaries. Efficient, effective, and operating on a tight turnaround, this group is exemplaryat handlingallmanner of challenges. It proved this during the pandemic, as having set up shortly beforehand, its ability to remain at the top of its game throughout is a testament to Amanda’s leadership skills. With more traditional legal processes being made obsolete by an emerging digital paradigm that has been further secured by the increasingly remote world that the pandemic ushered in, Banton Group is setting itself as front runner of this trend for Australia. Leading the way into the future, and fully embracing technology, its spectacular team will continue to serve clients with the usual holistic tenacity and internal collaboration; indeed, the atmosphere in the frm’s ranks is just as fantastic as Amanda continues to foster each of her team’s career progress. With determination, focus, and professionalism, the resulting strong leading position it enjoys in its industry will continue to remain unshaken at it moves towards a bright future. Indeed, as a consequence, it forecasts much further growth, bringing in more lawyers to join the term and help with the ever-increasing demand on its services. Company: Banton Group Contact: Mani Houston Website: bantongroup.com Complex Litigator of the Year (Australia): Amanda Banton Aug 0