Issue Q1 2020

16 APAC / Issue Q1 2020 , The Renewable Energy Solution Tackling Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis QUBE Renewables, creators of ‘flat pack’ anaerobic digestion kits that create energy from waste, is installing fifty QUBES in the paddy fields of the Punjab in a bid to tackle Delhi’s air quality crisis. Farmers in the regionwill be able to turn their problematic crop stubble into electricity, cooking and vehicle fuel. This is a commercial venture in partnership withHaryana Agricultural University, it is anticipated to be significantly scaled-up in the future to help combat Delhi’s annual air quality crisis. QUBE Renewables, creators of ‘flat pack’ anaerobic digestion (AD) kits that create energy from waste, is working on a project with Haryana University to install fifty QUBES in the paddy fields of the Punjab in a bid to tackle Delhi’s air quality crisis. QUBE Renewables, creators of ‘flat pack’ anaerobic digestion (AD) kits that create energy from waste, is working on a project with Haryana University to install fifty QUBES in the paddy fields of the Punjab in a bid to tackle Delhi’s air quality crisis. QUBE is an innovative self- assembled kit that converts biodegradable wastes into energy to provide heat, power and sanitation. The QUBE’s flexible, fabric design can be used virtually anywhere in a warm climate and with any biodegradable waste. Each year India’s rice farmers burn the stubble of their harvested crops, contributing to a seasonal smog that damages the health of those in and around the capital. By harnessing QUBE’s technology, farmers will now be able to turn one hundred and fifty tonnes of stubble into 50,000m3 of biogas, the equivalent of 584,000 hours of cooking on a 1.5kw biogas stove. All whilst negating the harm that burning their crop causes. Hearing of the success of QUBE Renewables’ deployment in the Philippines, Haryana Agricultural University have partnered with the British company to make better use of the Punjab’s problematic crop stubble. A QUBE can be built and operating in under two weeks, turning waste rice straw (the crop stubble) into fuel (through a process of anaerobic digestion) for clean cooking, generators and even running vehicles. QUBE also creates a fertiliser enabling waste rice straw to be used to grow the next crop. Crop burning in the region is estimated to make a 40% contribution to Delhi’s hazardous pollution levels. It is estimated that one hundred and fifty tonnes of rotting rice straw releases approximately sixteen tonnes of methane, it is anticipated that QUBE will provide a GHG CO2 equivalent saving of four hundred and thirteen tonnes per batch processed. The instillation of QUBEs in the Punjab is a grant free, commercial venture with Haryana Agricultural University. QUBE Renewables manufactures and distributes ready to assemble flat pack energy from waste kits that are used by retailers and farmers. The kits, originally designed in partnership with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to turn soldier’s faeces into something more useful, come in a range of sizes and capabilities, dependant on the volume and nature of the biodegradable material (e.g. its Lagoon QUBE can float on dirty water and capture latent gas). For this particular project the manufacture of the QUBEs will occur in both the UK and India, with the British company providing the blueprint to create components that do not require specialist construction in the UK, to be made by the host country. This solution keeps both costs and carbon emissions down, enabling more QUBE’s to be deployed and more of Delhi’s air to remain clean. Joanna Clayton co-founder of QUBE Renewables: “We’re very proud to be involved in helping tackle literally one of the most burning issues in India. QUBE Renewables can play an important role in improving Delhi’s air quality, whilst also helping to solve a related issue that gets talked about far less. Cooking with solid fuels is one of the five biggest killers in developing countries, by using the cooking fuel that QUBE can produce, we can help improve people in the region’s health, productivity and quality of life.” Professor K P Singh – Vice Chancellor of CCS Haryana Agricultural University: “Haryana Agricultural University is delighted to be working with QUBE Renewables on the installation of dry digesters for rice straw processing. Burning rice straw is a major environmental problem, and we look forward to rolling out this innovative low-cost solution to help mitigate rice stubble burning in the future, and make useful biogas for cooking and power production in rural areas.”