, Nastrac Group is a 20-year-old multi award winning or- ganisation that offers executive search ser- vices across several industries including IT/Technology, Bank- ing, Financial Services, Retail, Telecoms and FMCG as well as providing end to end Diversity and Inclusion Solutions (D&I). We caught up with Amit Anand to find out more. Nastrac Group is composed of a highly diverse group of profes- sionals and as a certified minori- ty and women owned business enterprise, the group provides a unique cultural perspective that enables the team to build effec- tive and lasting D&I solutions to clients. Amit outlines how this fo- cus on diversity and inclusion per- meates through every aspect of the firm’s work and ensures that clients receive the services they need. “At Nastrac, we create a diversity ecosystem to get our clients their ideal candidate directly from the source. We organise and sponsor diversity events and awards tar- geting a specific demographic that attract passive talent pools, giving candidates valuable networking opportunities while marketing the role and our client as an inclusive employer of choice. Through our D&I Solutions we focus on adding value by maximizing our client’s reputation as an inclusive em- ployer, engaging a diverse pool of candidates and assisting firms in creating a broad spectrum of tal- ent across critical business func- tions. “In addition, we also use big data to help predict the strength and Alkem Company (S) Pte Ltd is a printed book dis- tributor and eb- ook aggregator. We invited Melvin Choo to tell us more about the firm and the services it offers. Alkem supply printed books and ebooks to libraries, bookstores, academic institutions and corpo- rate organizations. In addition, the firm offer library services and Professional Development ser- vices. To date, Alkem is proud to have achieved the record of fulfill- ing more than 14,000,000 printed books and more than 4,000,000 ebooks in a single year. These figures highlight the ever growing popularity of ebooks, de- spite the fact that printed books remain the dominant market player. Melvin outlines the latest innovations firm has implement- ed in order to take advantage of the surge in popularity of ebooks, as well as discussing the other factors which were critical to the company’s success. “Our digital platform has the abil- ity to loan out ebooks and etext- books with a time limit function and allow readers to read both offline and online. In addition, our platform has vast collections from all over the world includ- ing publications from Singapore (SingTitle) and South East Asia (SEA). Our local technical sup- port in multilingual language and the ability to customized solution for individual libraries also plays a key importance in our product support. “Knowing the local market re- quirements was also a key fac- tor in our success, and as such we work hard to understand our region and the opportunities we are presented with. Being based in Singapore is an advantage as our data centers are located in Singapore and supported by high speed connectivity and regional connectivity. In addition, the Sin- gapore Government has provided SME numerous support through various programs such as PIC Grants and tax incentives We try to provide holistic solution but at the same time a personalized approach in deploying different library requirements.” Within the wider market currently, libraries are facing a challenge of shelf space. To alleviate this, they are seeking ways to increase their collections while maintaining their current titles. Libraries are looking into economical ways of acquir- ing books in digital formats as a solution to the limited shelf space, which includes collections of eb- ooks. As such, Melvin is keen to highlight the fact that Alkem’s fu- ture will revolve around support- ing clients as they seek to digital- ise their collections, although print books will also remain a focus. “Moving on forward, Alkem will increase our market reach out be- yond the traditional markets both in print and digital. We also hope to get more publishers on board our ebook platform.” Company: Alkem Company (S) Pte Ltd Contact: Melvin Choo Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: 1 Sunview Road #01-27, 627615, Singapore Phone: 65 62656666 Website: www.alkem.com.sg Best Digital Text Distribution Enterprise 2017 N stability of new potential recruits. Our analytics can give our clients detailed information on loyalty and likely performance indicators of potential hires to help reduce the risk of a bad hire. This is ac- companied by predictive analyt- ics, which helps our clients retain, efficiently incentivise and engage existing employees as well as providing data for succession planning.” Based in Singapore, Nastrac benefits from being in a globally competitive business market and enjoys the benefits of a highly skilled labour market that accom- panies a global trading economy. Singapore, however, is not mere- ly a financial hub, but a diversity hub in Asia, where Nastrac is championing diversity and inclu- sion initiatives across industries, and continuing this will remain the firm’s ongoing focus, as Amit concludes. “Ultimately, Nastrac celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurship and values diversity of thought. Every leader in the company possess- es the passion to excel and the diligence to ensure client satis- faction. In order to adapt to the ever evolving needs of our clients, we have recently launched our new website, which encapsu- lates everything we do at Nastrac Group, worldwide, and we are looking forward to gaining more work and connecting with new clients around the world thanks to this great new site.” Company: Nastrac Group Contact: Amit Anand Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: C/o WeWork South Bank, 22 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD Phone: 44 20 3542 5592 Website: www.nastracgroup.com Most Trusted Executive Search Company ASB17002 ASB17004