Ogury, the creator of the first marketing engine driven by user choice, announced today the launch of its regional headquarters in Singapore. Ogury’s operations in its very first APAC office will be led by Niall Hogan.

In the Asia-Pacific region, Ogury will work with local brands as well as publishers to institute a choice-first culture. Launched in 2014, Ogury Marketing Engine offers users clear options and respects the choices they make throughout their mobile journey. Ogury Marketing Engine generates its own consented data across brands, apps and websites to provide a reliable understanding of the mobile journey. This technology is designed to build trust among users, brands and publishers, in full compliance with data protection and privacy laws such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in the US.

In the past 5 years, Ogury has integrated with more than 10,000 apps and partnered with 3,500 publishers, generating 400m consented user profiles in 120 countries. The company currently works with more than 1,500 top brands globally from all major verticals, including automotive, CPG, financial, consumer tech and travel.

Singapore will become the hub of the Asia Pacific operations, as Ogury plans to grow its business across the region. The main goal is to support Southeast Asia markets and the needs of clients as they grow, by building effective Ogury teams in key cities. Niall Hogan has been appointed as the Managing Director (MD) of the Southeast Asia region, based in Singapore.

Hogan has a thorough experience in launching companies in new regions. He was the first European employee at Integral Ads Science (IAS) where he successfully grew the team from one person to 60 people during his role as UK MD before moving to Singapore as SEA MD. As the first Ogury employee in APAC, Hogan has already hired eight people for his launch team and expects to grow the team to 20 employees in 2020.

Commenting on his appointment, Hogan said: “I am thrilled to be a part of Ogury and to participate in fulfilling its mission of making digital marketing trusted and valued by both users and organizations. Ogury’s mobile-native technology and its unique approach driven by user choice are particularly key for the APAC market, where mobile penetration is among the highest in the world and consumers are very sophisticated and demanding.” Counting more than half of the world’s mobile users — nearly 2.8 billion — the APAC region is set to become the largest mobile ad spend market, reaching US$30 billion in 2020.

Raphael Rodier, Ogury Chief Revenue Officer International stated: “We are excited to welcome Niall to lead our operations in the region. Niall’s 20 years of experience in ad tech, his deep understanding of digital marketing in Europe and Asia, and expertise in launching companies in new regions make him a perfect partner for Ogury.”Rodier also expressed: “With increasing concerns for privacy and data protection in the APAC region, we believe our GDPR compliant technology will help tackle the challenges of local brands and publishers.”

Since launching in 2014, Ogury has grown rapidly, reaching $100 million in revenue in 2018 and raising $42 million in total. Currently, Ogury employs more than 400 people in 10 countries and22 offices around the world,including UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, United States and Mexico.


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