82% of organizations agree that it costs more to get new customers than keep old ones. So, why are you sending away your hard-earned clients? It’s heart breaking when you put in a lot of work and then proceed to sabotage your own efforts. Before you say that’s not you, hear me out. Have you been doubling your customer retention efforts and not seeing corresponding results? Have you applied all known strategies and customers still do not come back after their first or second experience with your company? Then, you might be sabotaging your hard work by ignoring the seemingly ‘little things’.

Your parking strategy, what’s it like? Does it optimize your parking lot and reduce congestion? Does it guarantee the safety and security of clients and staff? Do you even have one?

If not, then it might be what’s chasing your customers away, despite all your marketing strategies. What you need are time-tested tips that will help you optimize your company’s parking strategy and keep clients coming. And you’re in luck – all you need to know about creating a solid parking management strategy are right here.

What is a parking management strategy

A great parking experience doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of well-thought-out strategies and processes. Simply put, a parking management strategy is a plan that lets you use your parking resources more efficiently.

This plan covers the collection of relevant user data, effective space allocation and optimization. In the end, a good parking management strategy reduces human efforts and intervention and creates better parking experiences for clients and staff.

5 ways to optimize your parking management strategy

All your customer acquisition tactics won’t matter if your customer eventually arrives at your office premises and has a nightmarish parking experience. That may be the last time they patronize your business. Make sure this doesn’t happen by taking the following five steps.

Include an office parking system

It’s the digital age and technologies like Wayleadr’s office parking booking system change the whole parking game globally, especially in the APAC region where there are huge parking challenges. This solution digitizes the parking process, letting clients and employees book their parking slots ahead and enter, park and exit with ease.

This Wayleadr software gives users real-time parking slot status right on their mobile phone, making it easy for them to secure their slots. Including an office parking system in your parking management strategy is the right step in retaining your clients by making their parking experience easy and convenient.

Reserve the best spots for customers and visitors

Remember, this is all about retaining customers. Therefore, it makes sense to reserve the best spots for them. Staff members will be at the office for longer periods, so keep the spots that facilitate easy entry and exit for clients and visitors. This will improve their experiences and boost your brand perception.

Invest in security cameras

The safety of your clients and staff is paramount, so investing in security cameras for your parking lot is spot on. Security cameras are important for several reasons. First, they help prevent crimes as criminals will be aware there are cameras and be deterred.

Secondly, security cameras help in clarifying disputes if and when accidents occur. The footage will give a clear view of what really happened and assist with insurance claims and police reports. In addition, when people know that cameras are in the parking lot, they will drive more carefully.

Improve illumination

The number of cameras you install in your parking lot won’t matter if it is not well-illuminated. This is even more important in underground parking spaces. Crimes are easily committed in dark areas and this should be avoided. Your parking strategy must include lighting up the entire landscape for better security.

Make provisions for waiting and walking areas

Yes, it’s a parking lot, but it’s not only about parking. After people park, they need waiting and walking spaces. A business parking strategy that does not provide waiting and walking space will not be effective.

Accidents can easily happen when people are walking or waiting between cars. Also, people will feel insecure knowing they could easily be hit by a car when waiting or walking.

Benefits of an optimized parking strategy

Customer retention is the huge cake you get to eat when you go with trends that shape digital transformation like an optimized parking strategy, but there are icings on the cake. Find three of them below.

Improved parking efficiency

Your business parking becomes more efficient with a solid strategy. Most of your processes will be digitized, leaving little room for mistakes. Clients and staff will easily book their slots from their cell phones without human interactions.

Enhanced customer experience

A customer’s experience starts from the car pack. If they have a horrible experience, they could even turn back and not bother doing business with you. However, with an efficient parking strategy, the parking process is smooth and seamless. This gives the customer a memorable experience and leads to business growth.

Space optimization

With a good parking strategy, you optimize space. A parking management system lets your clients, visitors and staff know which areas of your parking lot are occupied or free at any given time. This makes it easy to book and ensures space is effectively utilized.

Optimized parking is a top marketing strategy

Sometimes, what you need to deal with is not the mountain, it’s the molehill. If you concentrate and invest so much in marketing campaigns and ignore something as simple as your parking lot, you might be sabotaging your efforts.

A prospect you spend so much to get to your doorstep should not be lost as a result of an inadequate parking strategy. Optimizing your parking strategy is the solution. It will help you improve your parking efficiency, boost customer experience, optimize space, improve security and eventually retain clients.

Improve illumination

The number of cameras you install in your parking lot won’t matter if it is not well-illuminated. This is even more important in underground parking spaces. Crimes are easily committed in dark areas and this should be avoided. Your parking strategy must include lighting up the entire landscape for better security.

Make provisions for waiting and walking areasYes, it’s a parking lot, but it’s not only about parking. After people park, they need waiting and walking spaces. A business parking strategy that does not provide waiting and walking space will not be effective.

Accidents can easily happen when people are walking or waiting between cars. Also, people will feel insecure knowing they could easily be hit by a car when waiting or walking.

Benefits of an optimized parking strategy

Customer retention is the huge cake you get to eat when you go with trends that shape digital transformation like an optimized parking strategy, but there are icings on the cake. Find three of them below.

Improved parking efficiency

Your business parking becomes more efficient with a solid strategy. Most of your processes will be digitized, leaving little room for mistakes. Clients and staff will easily book their slots from their cell phones without human interactions.

Enhanced customer experience

A customer’s experience starts from the car pack. If they have a horrible experience, they could even turn back and not bother doing business with you. However, with an efficient parking strategy, the parking process is smooth and seamless. This gives the customer a memorable experience and leads to business growth.

Space optimization

With a good parking strategy, you optimize space. A parking management system lets your clients, visitors and staff know which areas of your parking lot are occupied or free at any given time. This makes it easy to book and ensures space is effectively utilized.

Optimized parking is a top marketing strategy

Sometimes, what you need to deal with is not the mountain, it’s the molehill. If you concentrate and invest so much in marketing campaigns and ignore something as simple as your parking lot, you might be sabotaging your efforts.

A prospect you spend so much to get to your doorstep should not be lost as a result of an inadequate parking strategy. Optimizing your parking strategy is the solution. It will help you improve your parking efficiency, boost customer experience, optimize space, improve security and eventually retain clients.