Do you own a blog? If so, you might be familiar with how difficult it is to write solid blog introductions. After all, it is a crucial part of a blog post – it is what can draw a person in and entice that person to continue reading. It does not matter how much effort you put into the rest of your blog post – if the introduction is lacking, the reader will not stay around to read it.

On top of that, you want your blog post to rank high in search engines, which means that you will have to communicate the topic of the blog post clearly, make search engines understand it, and ensure that it is indexed correctly. Learning some tips for improving communication might be a good starting point, but it may not be enough.

Do you want to know how to write blog introductions that will both help your content rank in search engines and appeal to your readers? If your answer is yes, you came to the right place! Here, you will find a list of tips that will help you write flawless blog introductions!


Use an Interesting Statistic

The first thing that you can do to start a blog post is to use an interesting statistic that is relevant to the topic that the blog post is about. For example, imagine that you are writing a blog post about how to pick a firm that specializes in public relations services.

You can quote a statistic related to the amount of money that an average corporation allocates to public relations on a yearly basis. It might not seem like a big deal, but it can really put the topic of your blog post into perspective!


Ask a Direct Question

What about asking your reader a direct question that is related to the topic of the blog post? For instance, if you were to write a blog post about how to create a marketing campaign for a hair care line, you could ask the following question in the middle of the introduction. “How do you get people to buy it, though?”

That way, you will make your blog post engaging. The reader will try to answer the question, but the model answer will be located in the body of the article. The only way for the reader to discover the model answer is to check out the entirety of the article!


Write a Relatable Description of the Problem

Writing a relatable description of the problem that the reader is facing and presenting that problem from the perspective of the reader will make the reader feel understood and encouraged to read past the introduction.

For instance, imagine that you want to get the reader to book a consultation with a marketing agency. You can write about how the pricey ads that the reader is investing in are not producing the desired results and describe how frustrating it is. It is that easy!


Describe the Blog Post in a Few Sentences

If you feel stuck and unmotivated, take the easy route and write a short description of what your blog post is going to be about. Ideally, it should consist of two/three short sentences. Here is an example!

“In the following guide, you will find a list of techniques that you can use to write engaging blog introductions. Read on to discover the best ways to write interesting blog introductions and increase readership of your blog!”

Including such a description in the introduction of a blog post will help the reader see what the post is about and decide whether it is worth reading. Unfortunately, it is not that interesting. Because of that, you should not be using it often.


List Questions That Your Reader Might Have

One of the methods that you can use to write a flawless blog introduction is to list a few questions that your reader might have. It will allow you to use a wide range of keywords and make the introduction more relevant to the reader.

It is important that you do not give the reader an answer to each question right in the introduction. It will make the introduction long and difficult to understand. Instead, tell the reader that the answers to the questions you listed can be found in the rest of the article.

Suppose that you want to write a blog post about buying a pet rat. In such a scenario, you could list three questions. “Where should you buy a pet rat from? What kind of cage should you keep it in? What should you feed it?”

You do not answer any of the questions, but encourage your reader to see what the rest of the article is about. “If you want to know the answer to each of the questions here, you should definitely keep reading!”


Use a Call to Action

Finally, you should end your introduction with a call to action. Do you know what a call to action is? In a nutshell, it is a sentence that encourages the reader to do something specific. In an introduction, you want the call to action to get the reader to read past the introduction.

Here is a combination of an interesting statistic and a call to action. “Did you know that 50% of companies lose money due to ineffective public relations strategies? Read on and learn how to avoid ending up in such a situation!”


In Conclusion

As you can see, writing a flawless blog introduction is not as difficult as it might seem! First, you can start with an interesting statistic and ask the reader a direct question related to the problem that your blog post is meant to address.

Second, you should write a relatable description of the problem that your reader is dealing with. Other than that, you can describe the topic of your blog post in a few short sentences, as well as list the questions that your reader might want to find answers to.

Doing the things listed here will help motivate your readers to continue reading. In addition to that, it will help search engines understand what you are writing about and index your article correctly!