As the US President Donald Trump creates a hostile corporate environment for Asian companies by banning transactions with major Asian brands and taking other divisive actions, many companies are exploring new options.

Despite Brexit, the UK remains a viable opportunity for Asian companies, as it has a diverse corporate landscape and quality distribution channels. The country also offers businesses the chance to branch out geographically.

For Asian businesses looking to open a UK branch, the pandemic has made things difficult. There are now more factors to consider and challenges to overcome, but we’re here to help. Read our guide to opening a UK office during the pandemic.


Hire A UK-Based Team

As the travel market has been thrown into disarray by the pandemic, the best way to open a UK office quickly and efficiently is to hire a team in the UK. Work with a reliable staffing agency to find the team members that you need to get your new office up and running. Try to train your new staff remotely to save on travel costs and keep your team safe. If necessary, consider sending over one team member to manage the office.


Find A Reliable Office Cleaning Company

Keep your new and existing employees safe from the virus by hiring a professional cleaning team to ensure that your office space is clean. Ideal Cleaning has experience cleaning a wide variety of offices and keeping them free from germs and particles. This expert team of professional cleaners also offer decontamination services, so that you can have your new office deep cleaned before your staff arrive.


Keep Staff Apart In The Office

Keep your staff separate by making sure that desks are at least 2 metres away from each other on all sides. It would help if you also considered laying out social distancing markers on the floor, to show staff where to stand to stay safe. If you’re renting a shared office or a co-working space, make sure that you ask the property manager what measures they are taking to keep your team staff. Inform your staff about any procedures that might affect them, so that they can abide by them and stay as safe as possible.


Add Touch-Free Technology

Touching surfaces such as door handles, lift buttons, and even soap dispensers can help spread the virus, as they harbour bacteria. As such, you should try to install as many touch-free solutions as possible in your new UK office. Try to add as much technology as you can or communicate with the property manager to see what they plan to add to make your team, and everyone else in the building, safe from the virus.


Encourage Good Hand Hygiene

As well as touch-free solutions, you should also encourage your staff to keep their hands clean. This approach will reduce the chances of a potentially disastrous outbreak in your office. Consider providing your team with hand sanitizer and hand wipes to keep their hands clean. Offer them a dedicated break room so that they do not eat at their desks and spread dirt around their workspace.