The COVID-19 pandemic turned the business world upside down with no warning. Many people had to shut down their shops temporarily, while others never reopened. Some companies continue to set examples and inspire others to adapt on the fly. These are a few of the most popular ways businesses get creative to survive during the pandemic.


They Learned to Livestream

Companies from all different industries rely on live events to pull in new and returning customers. Some business owners found ways to move smaller events outdoors with socially distanced seating, but the general public still shies away from mass gatherings. That’s when the world of livestreaming opened for people beyond influencers, vloggers and gamers.

Popular livestream platforms work with small businesses and large corporations to create an online platform for all kinds of events. People can stream performances and even auctions to continue their usual services without encouraging public gatherings.


They Converted Production Lines

The pandemic spiked unemployment to nearly 15% in April of 2020. Consumers stopped spending like they used to and prioritized the essentials. It led to a shortage of things like toilet paper and hand sanitizer, which inspired businesses to get creative in new ways.

Distilleries and brewing companies began making hand sanitizer with whatever alcohol wasn’t in their main product lines. It gave people access to what would keep them healthy when traditional stores were out. The ingenuity opened new possibilities for existing companies and kept them open during the most challenging times of the early pandemic months.


They Added Curbside Pickup

Other businesses added contactless curbside pickup to keep the lights on. Although people ordered retail products, restaurants mainly benefited from this new service. It’s something that’s likely going to stick around after vaccines provide herd immunity because people enjoy the convenience of getting whatever they want on the fly.


They Installed Plexiglass Barriers

Masks are still an entry requirement, but business owners listened to the experts to protect their staff and clients even further. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended plastic sneeze guard installation in high contact areas. These plexiglass barriers shield everyone from particles that escape masks so there’s less risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Places like banks, grocery stores and office spaces benefit from this extra precaution. Finding ways to install them for long-term use requires a little of that creativity that helps businesses survive during the pandemic.


They Reinvisioned Their Cleaning Routines

Cleaning routines became more crucial than ever after the pandemic began. They remain the first line of defense even today. Many businesses opened earlier and closed later to give employees time for more extensive cleaning standards. Adjusted hours make it easier to pay close attention to high-contact areas and ensure a sanitized environment that keeps everyone safe.


Creative Business Moves Pay Off

Businesses have to get creative to survive during the pandemic, but these strategies have proven successful in numerous industries. Putting sanitation first and finding new ways to perform services while keeping distanced make it easier to navigate the world while COVID-19 remains a threat.