Since the roadmap out of lockdown was announced in the UK, you’ve probably begun to plan your business’ reopening. And while this may be the third time that retail stores have opened their doors after a lockdown, since it’s been quite a while since things were relatively normal, an update can help refresh your memory on the protocols that need to be followed.

Although a clear date hasn’t been given for retail stores to open, it’s expected that a reopening should happen around April 12th, providing that the vaccine is successfully reducing COVID cases and no new strains of the virus are causing any problems.

With less than a month to go, here’s a list of ways that you can make sure that your retail store is COVID-19 safe when it’s time to open up again:


Complete A COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Your job as an employer is to protect your staff form harm, and this now includes taking the necessary steps to help keep your employees and customers safe from COVID.

Your company’s risk assessment should now look at any activities at work that might cause the virus to be transmitted, a list of any vulnerable staff members or which job positions could be most at risk, and any acts that you are going to take to control the risk.


Use Signs And Stickers To Educate Customers

With so many different rules and regulations being introduced since the pandemic first began, you should expect customers to be confused from time to time. To help people have the most enjoyable shopping experience, you should use signs that clearly educate customers on the rules they should be following in your shop.

You can place post-mounted signs by the doorway of your shop so that it’s the first thing they read when they walk in. Another great idea is to use floor stickers which can serve to guide customers around the store (ideal for if you’re implementing a one-way system.)

You can easily get your sticker printing from Discount Displays, who use high tech latex eco-friendly printers to create stickers which are eye-catching and durable. They’re completely flexible with design so it’s completely up to you how creative you want to be.


Clean Frequently

No one enjoys cleaning, but since the virus can survive on surfaces anywhere from several hours to a few days, it’s important to keep areas sanitised at all times. With accessories like sunglasses, you may want to enforce a rule permitting anybody from trying them on, or perhaps leave a bucket for people to drop their used items into so you can clean them before they go back on display.


Provide Hand Sanitiser

Encourage customer hygiene by leaving hand sanitiser out in an obvious place where it can be easily seen. It’s a good idea to put a hand sanitising dispenser by your door so people have the option to use it when they first enter into your store.