There are many reasons why rewarding our staff at a time like this is more difficult, whether it’s a reduction in sales, which means we have fewer funds to spend, or because we are trying to revolutionise the way we run our business, and don’t have time. But if you want to have a workforce that is keen to work for you, and are going to help you with implementing the changes, then you need to consider rewarding your staff even though times are tough. Here are a few ideas on how you are able to do this and have a workforce behind you all the way.



Nothing beats some good old-fashioned recognition, and your team will be grateful for being rewarded for any extra hard work they have put in. It doesn’t have to be a huge bonus, but a small thank you here and there, or publicly recognising somebody’s achievements, can boost morale more than anything else.

This is something that should be done on a regular basis anyway, as it is a sure fire way to keep everybody motivated, but at this time of year, we tend to have ceremonies and “roundup“ events that highlight the year that has passed. Unfortunately, this year we have plenty of negatives that we could focus on, which is why it’s even more important to focus on the positives and the efforts of your theme.


Organising Events

We can’t all get together this year and socialise as we would like, and past Christmas events are obviously not going to be taking place, but there are some virtual Christmas party ideas that you can draw from, to reward your team for the hard work that they’ve put in this year. Creating virtual events, and adding as much fun into these as possible, can really lift the mood and help everybody feel a little bit brighter.

You can even incorporate some games into this, with prizes and lots of laughter along the way. Everybody can get involved as there is no need for a designated driver if all participants are home safe and sound already. The team spirit will be much more lively, and it is going to be an event that everybody will talk about for years to come.


Time Off

Rewarding your staff with a little more time off is always a great idea, of course, this will cost you in staff working hours, but if you manage it effectively, and make sure that everybody isn’t off at the same time, then you should be able to manage a little extra time here or there. Some businesses offer a “shopping day” around Christmas time, but it doesn’t have to be specific. This is always a good time to communicate with your team and find out exactly what day would prefer. Tailoring your rewards to the individual people within your organisation will show that you care and are trying your absolute best.



If we have to work on our birthday, then it is always nice to be shown a little bit of attention and receive a small gift from the team. Facilitating this and contributing to any gifts or experiences that have been purchased, is a lovely idea.

People always remember how they are treated on their birthday, and if you are particularly creative It can provide the perfect opportunity to make a team member feel special. We also don’t know how a person’s private life is going, and it may be one of the few gifts that they receive on their special day, so it always pays to be extra thoughtful