Issue Preview

2018 Winner
Lilies by Blewden Ltd
Lilies by Blewden Ltd Flower Producer of the Year 2018 Established in 1993, Lilies by Blewden is owned by David and Anne Blewden. LBB is committed to ongoing innovation to grow the best lilies with the smallest environmental footprint. Commitment to IPM (Intergrated Pest Management) and organic processes has seen use of agri-chemicals reduce significantly as the power of nature and microbiology is harnessed to promote strong healthy growth. LBB believes that in a world increasingly dominated by the virtual and the artificial, fresh flowers bring a welcome sense of calm and well-being to increasingly busy lifestyles. LBB reviews and introduces new varieties every year and most recently has released New Zealand’s first double, pollen-free and air-brushed lilies onto the market.