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2021 Winner

Alexander PR Group

Best International Marketing & Advertising Champions 2021


Alexander PR Group

Marketing & Advertising Champions 2021 Incorporated in 2004, Alexander PR Group has developed digital marketing, media, public relations, and advertising campaigns for an array of companies– from huge corporations to SMEs. Because of this, they are the most effective ROI Business Development agencies in the country. Specialities Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Events, Advertising. They’ve also been developing brands for a wide range of clients: some of which are Beauty, F&B, Fashion, Interior, Luxury, Beauty, Hospitality and Lifestyle. As a result, the company has great relationships with celebrities and media personalities not only in Singapore, but also around the world. On one personal campaign, Marie Alexander #mariealexander007 hit 1 million views in 9 countries, dedicating to her lifestyle & luxury clients. Availing of Alexander PR Group’s services is an excellent choice you won’t regret. It’s like placing your company in the spotlight– staying agile and getting ahead of market trends. We set lifestyle & luxury trends because our founder, Marie Alexander is a trendsetter. Call 6719-5459 and speak to Marie
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