Issue Preview

2022 Winner
Alexander PR Group
Industry Leaders in Innovative Marketing & Advertising Services
Alexander PR Group
APAC Insider Singapore Business Awards 2022
Industry Leader in Innovative Marketing & Advertising Services
Alexander PR Group by Marie Alexander is a world-class digital marketing, public relations, advertising, and events agency that has won more than 11 international awards.
After directing 150 PR campaigns, 13,000 shoots, and hosting & art directing, as well as styling and producing 150+ events for SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, this agency triumphs over almost all big agencies in the world.After beating American, European and Asian companies in Davos, Switzerland, it is indeed an honour to have won the APAC Insider Singapore Business Award 2022 as an Industry Leader in Innovative Marketing & Advertising Services for the 2nd year running.
As a champion triathlete, I help all my clients be the best they can be while ensuring their businesses succeed and grow.APR gives your business the best branding and marketing opportunities, supported by innovative, profit-making strategies, that it deserves.Call APR at+65 6719-5459or [email protected]