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2020 Winner

Luminaire AI Pte Ltd

Leading Innovators in Automated Marketing Technology 2020


Luminaire AI Pte Ltd

Lumin(ai)re is an SUTD & NTU start-up founded in Singapore, funded by Enterprise Singapore under the StartupSG grant, with co-investment by Spaze Ventures as Accredited Mentor Partner (AMP). Since November 2018, we have partnered with A*STAR I2R (Agency for Science, Technology & Research) for R&D relating to GAN potential in next-generation vision computing. Our core business is our SaaS Creative Online Ad Banner Generation tool, using an A/B testing model to determine creative tastes based on regional, cultural and product category variations. We are building an advertising ecosystem of the future, where each piece of advertising content is generated by AI in real-time, tailoring engagement to unique customer profiles. The startup was also part of the Echelon100 at the Echelon Asia Summit 2019, winner of the Vikingcubator 2019 and Honouree in the Brands for Good 2019 under the Community - Empowering Local Markets category.