Social Health Growth Ltd
SHG first started the financial literacy program and other programs including children enrichment program, woman empowerment leadership management, healthtalk, diaper, milk powder, food ration program and computer literacy programme since 2012.
Financial literacy is SHG's main highlight. We build this program to cater to the requirements of the low income families. This enable our single parent, low income families and their children to benefit from our program. Some of beneficiaries were able to save as much as $600 per month after going through our program and a handful even managed to purchase a 3 room Hdb flat based on their capability.
Further, this program also teaches the mother to save and to reduce their expenses. Concurrently, it also helps to build their personality and their character. We would like to state that MCCY is fully supportive of our financial literacy program. And GIC is fully supportive of our computer literacy program.
Presently, we have 5 centres island wide. They are namely located at Blk 71 circuit road RC Zone C, Née Soon South Cc level 3 #03-03, Bukit merch Cc #01-06, Queenstown Cc, and Punggol 22 CC. Further, MacPherson CC has just requested our assistance to conduct our programs at additional 2 centres within the vicinity.
At present, we have more then 4,800 low income families and single parents in our program.
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